Social Media

Ministering In A Digital World
August 15, 2024
Ministering In A Digital World We live in a digital world. Whether we like it or not, most people live online. In a space teeming with filth and wickedness, believers...

Pray Your Way Through Social Media!
March 27, 2021
Pray Your Way Through Social Media! All of life is better when we pray our way through it. Prayer is the means by which we stay in constant contact with...

How’s Your “Screen Time”?
April 20, 2020
Mobile devices and on-demand media have changed our world forever. More specifically, they have changed our families and our lives. Homes no longer revolve around a big screen in the...

3 Positive Ways To Use Your Social Media
February 5, 2020
3 Positive Ways To Use Your Social Media There is a lot of negative talk in this world. Social media has only amplified it. Sadly, many believers use their social media...

One Thing I Do Not Do With Social Media
March 7, 2017
Some time ago a friend said to me, "Do you ever have a bad day?" I laughed. Of course, we all have bad days. When I inquired as to why...