Join The Journey

Walk with us through God’s Word and discover
the joy of journeying with Jesus each day.

Enjoying the Journey exists to evangelize the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ, encourage pastors and local churches, and equip believers to walk with God and serve Him each day. Through audio, video, and print resources we are seeking to preach the gospel, teach the Word of God, and reach this generation for Christ. Enjoying the Journey is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Daily Broadcast

God’s Word is the roadmap for time and eternity. In this ten-minute study of Scripture, we find instruction and inspiration for the journey of life. Most of all, we come to know Christ as our constant Companion. This daily broadcast is available on any podcast platform and is also aired on radio stations across the country. Join Scott Pauley for a new episode each Monday through Friday.

Today's Broadcast

Broadcast available on these platforms

Devotional Blog

This archive of hundreds of articles covers a wide range of topics. You may search by category, date or subject. Subscribe today to receive new posts by email. The goal is simple: God’s truth applied to our life.

The right question is: What does the Bible say? When this is our starting point we are on the right path. Because the Bible is the Word of God.

What Does the Bible Say?

What Does the Bible Say? It is impossible to get the right answer when you are asking the wrong question! Our world is full of issues that must be addressed, but it is imperative that we know where to go for direction and how to make decisions. In an age of relativism we must return…

Bible Messages

A preacher may have many sermons, but he must have only one message. There is only one message that truly changes hearts, only one message that refreshes and brings new life. This message is the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that each sermon will be an encouragement to your faith and will help you to know the Lord Jesus Christ in a greater way.

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ON PURPOSE was written by Stacie Thomas, a mother, long time children’s worker, and elementary school teacher. This beautifully illustrated book teaches the truth of Creation, identity, and divine purpose for every boy and girl. This resource, the first in a series of Little Steps books from Enjoying the Journey, will be a wonderful tool for parents to use with toddlers and teachers to use in both school and church settings.

Do You Ever Think About Eternity?