Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

4 Things to Remember
1 Timothy 6:5-12
Modern Christianity says, "Gain is godliness." Whereas biblical Christianity says, "Godliness is gain." Join us as we conclude our study of stewardship with some key truths to remember.
Modern Christianity says, "Gain is godliness." Whereas biblical Christianity says, "Godliness is gain." Join us as we conclude our study of stewardship with some key truths to remember.

4 Things to Remember
1 Timothy 6:5-12
Modern Christianity says, "Gain is godliness." Whereas biblical Christianity says, "Godliness is gain." Join us as we conclude our study of stewardship with some key truths to remember.
Modern Christianity says, "Gain is godliness." Whereas biblical Christianity says, "Godliness is gain." Join us as we conclude our study of stewardship with some key truths to remember.

Eternity Reveals All
Luke 16:1-12, 19-31
You cannot fully understand biblical stewardship without looking at it through the lens of eternity. Eternity clarifies many circumstances and purifies our motives. Put your life in the perspective of eternity.
You cannot fully understand biblical stewardship without looking at it through the lens of eternity. Eternity clarifies many circumstances and purifies our motives. Put your life in the perspective of eternity.

Eternity Reveals All
Luke 16:1-12, 19-31
You cannot fully understand biblical stewardship without looking at it through the lens of eternity. Eternity clarifies many circumstances and purifies our motives. Put your life in the perspective of eternity.
You cannot fully understand biblical stewardship without looking at it through the lens of eternity. Eternity clarifies many circumstances and purifies our motives. Put your life in the perspective of eternity.

Blessed People: Stewardship of Truth
Luke 10:23-24
Truth is the Christian's most valuable treasure. It is a treasure to be cherished and shared. Learn from today's episode how to receive truth, rejoice in it, and relay it to others.
Truth is the Christian's most valuable treasure. It is a treasure to be cherished and shared. Learn from today's episode how to receive truth, rejoice in it, and relay it to others.

Blessed People: Stewardship of Truth
Luke 10:23-24
Truth is the Christian's most valuable treasure. It is a treasure to be cherished and shared. Learn from today's episode how to receive truth, rejoice in it, and relay it to others.
Truth is the Christian's most valuable treasure. It is a treasure to be cherished and shared. Learn from today's episode how to receive truth, rejoice in it, and relay it to others.

Dealing with Difficulty: Stewardship of Trials
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Stewardship encompasses both positive and negative aspects. Since God is sovereign, we can conclude that even trials are gifts from Him. Instead of trying to change your trials, steward them!
Stewardship encompasses both positive and negative aspects. Since God is sovereign, we can conclude that even trials are gifts from Him. Instead of trying to change your trials, steward them!

A Good Name: Stewardship of Testimony
Proverbs 22:1
Every man is given two names: the one he is born with and the one he earns. We all are gifted by God both the opportunity and obligation to develop our reputation. How are you stewarding your testimony?
Every man is given two names: the one he is born with and the one he earns. We all are gifted by God both the opportunity and obligation to develop our reputation. How are you stewarding your testimony?

The Beginning from the God of New Beginnings
Mark 1:1-5
Many times we say we want to hear from God but do not ready our hearts to hear from God. When the Word of God declared, our hearts should be prepared. Join Scott Pauley for this first message from Mark 1.
Many times we say we want to hear from God but do not ready our hearts to hear from God. When the Word of God declared, our hearts should be prepared. Join Scott Pauley for this first message from Mark 1.

Will a Man Rob God?: Stewardship of Treasure
Malachi 3:8-12
Our view of God significantly alters our view of finances. When we realize that God has given us both our wealth and the power to obtain it, we will appropriately steward it according to His will.
Our view of God significantly alters our view of finances. When we realize that God has given us both our wealth and the power to obtain it, we will appropriately steward it according to His will.

It’s Not Your Body: Stewardship of Temple
2 Corinthians 5:1-15
God has uniquely fashioned your body to use for His purpose. Many today are obsessed with the abilities and appeals of the body. However, God has designed your body to be His temple, where He resides and presides.
God has uniquely fashioned your body to use for His purpose. Many today are obsessed with the abilities and appeals of the body. However, God has designed your body to be His temple, where He resides and presides.

Well Done: Stewardship of Talent
Matthew 25:14-30
There is no more satisfying approval than the Lord's on your life. God has given you natural and spiritual abilities that He desires you to use for His glory. Whose affirmation are you living for?
There is no more satisfying approval than the Lord's on your life. God has given you natural and spiritual abilities that He desires you to use for His glory. Whose affirmation are you living for?

Redeeming the Time: Stewardship of Time
Ephesians 5:15-17
Time is the currency of life, and once you spend it, you never get it back. As stewards of time, we have the daily opportunity to waste or invest it. Join us today to learn how to prioritize your time properly.
Time is the currency of life, and once you spend it, you never get it back. As stewards of time, we have the daily opportunity to waste or invest it. Join us today to learn how to prioritize your time properly.

The Discipleship of Stewardship
2 Corinthians 8:1-9
If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, that is because another disciple once reached you. Now, you are responsible for reaching others with the same message! Have you added any chains to this spiritual link?
If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, that is because another disciple once reached you. Now, you are responsible for reaching others with the same message! Have you added any chains to this spiritual link?

What God Shows You In the Dark
Matthew 1:19-25; 2:13-15, 19-23
In the darkest times, God is at work. The coming of Jesus Christ is one of the greatest examples of this. Yet, it is not just a truth for the Christmas season. In your darkest seasons, God will teach you the deepest truths.
In the darkest times, God is at work. The coming of Jesus Christ is one of the greatest examples of this. Yet, it is not just a truth for the Christmas season. In your darkest seasons, God will teach you the deepest truths.

The Secret to Being a Giver
2 Corinthians 8:1-9
Are you a giver or a taker? Everything you give is a response to everything God has given you. As God's grace motivates you, aspire to give the way God desires.
Are you a giver or a taker? Everything you give is a response to everything God has given you. As God's grace motivates you, aspire to give the way God desires.

The Worship of Stewardship
2 Corinthians 8:1-9
Worship is much more than singing or congregating with other believers. It is our response to God's revelation. The worship of stewardship acknowledges that God is God, and we are not.
Worship is much more than singing or congregating with other believers. It is our response to God's revelation. The worship of stewardship acknowledges that God is God, and we are not.

Grace! Grace! Grace!
2 Corinthians 8:1-9
Stewardship is not so much about your goods as it is God's grace. All that we have and are can be appropriately attributed to His grace! When you have the right view of His grace, you will have the right motive for stewardship.
Stewardship is not so much about your goods as it is God's grace. All that we have and are can be appropriately attributed to His grace! When you have the right view of His grace, you will have the right motive for stewardship.

The Fellowship of Stewardship
2 Corinthians 8:1-9
The Christian life is relational. In Christ, we are connected to believers in a way incomparable to any earthly relationship. How are you stewarding your relationship with your local church?
The Christian life is relational. In Christ, we are connected to believers in a way incomparable to any earthly relationship. How are you stewarding your relationship with your local church?

The Three Ships of Stewardship
2 Corinthians 8:1-9
The three "ships" of stewardship are fellowship, discipleship, and worship. They always sail in tandem, and their paths are inextricable. Tune in as we continue our practical series!
The three "ships" of stewardship are fellowship, discipleship, and worship. They always sail in tandem, and their paths are inextricable. Tune in as we continue our practical series!

Love the Lord
Deuteronomy 11
We live in a world that knows very little about love and yet ever longs for it. However, God, who is love, longs for us to love Him. Which side of the battle are you on?
We live in a world that knows very little about love and yet ever longs for it. However, God, who is love, longs for us to love Him. Which side of the battle are you on?

Keep Growing
1 Corinthians 4:15-21
The greatest evidence of life is growth. A good Christian steward never stops growing. As you continue to steward the life you were given, you will better pass that life along to others.
The greatest evidence of life is growth. A good Christian steward never stops growing. As you continue to steward the life you were given, you will better pass that life along to others.