Finding a New Beginning


Moving from World Events to Personal Faith

Genesis 11:29-12:4
When God thrusts you out of something, it is to bring you into something. When God removes something, it is to replace it with something far greater. Join us as we conclude our series, "Finding a New Beginning!"

A Lot Happens in 2,000 Years

Genesis 1:1; 12:1
A new beginning always begins with the Word of God. Whether you are seeking the salvation of your soul or you are lacking freshness in your Christian life, you must start with Scripture. The same God Who spoke in the beginning of Genesis longs to speak to you today.

Not Just Another Family

Genesis 11:10-32
The great thing about a family is not what they do but what God does with them. For God to do something with us, we must first be with Him. This is the secret to being blessed and being a blessing!

A World in Chaos

Genesis 11:1-9
As a result of sin, we live in a world of chaos. While sin brings confusion, God brings clarity. We can overcome the disorder of this world by running to the Lord of order. Join us as we continue studying the Tower of Babel!

Returning to Babel

Genesis 11:1-4
When we return to pride, we are returning to Babel. The people in Babel refused to follow God's plan and attempted to make their names great rather than His. They built lives with no thought of God. Are you living in Babel today?

Don’t Be a Nimrod!

Genesis 10:8-10
Did you know you can be intelligent and not be wise? You can be a person with great capabilities yet not become the person God desires you to be. Tucked away in a long list of genealogies, Nimrod serves as a great warning to gifted individuals.

A Word for the Nations

Genesis 10:1-32
All the nations of the world find their origin in Genesis chapter ten. Although these nations look and behave differently outwardly, they are all the same inwardly. We are all of "one blood," according to God's Word.

The Old Nature in a New World

Genesis 9:18-29
Even after such a great victory in his life, Noah failed. All other wicked people were engulfed by the flood, yet the wickedness in Noah's heart remained. How can we overcome such a persistent foe?

The Rainbow Belongs to God

Genesis 9:8-17
Object lessons make a message more memorable. God designed an extraordinary object, the rainbow, to help us remember His great mercy upon all of mankind. Be reminded today of God's promise and gratefully reflect on His pity.

Let’s Try This Again

Genesis 9:1-7
When Noah and his family stepped off the ark, God presented them with a fresh start. His purpose, provision, and protection were the same, but their opportunity was new. Study with us this week as we continue through the beginning chapters of Genesis!

Start with the Altar!

Genesis 8:18-22
Did you know Noah built something after the ark that was of equal significance? He built an altar! The altar represented Noah's humble surrender to God. Tune in to today's episode and choose to start building what matters most.

While You’re Waiting…

Genesis 8:1-17
Waiting time is never wasted time. While we are waiting, God is working. He's not only working on what is going on around you, but He's also working within you. As you wait, remember God's promises and remain faithful to what you know to do.

The In Between Times of Life

Genesis 7:17-24
The transitional times of life can be the most frightening or frustrating. However, God sets those seasons in motion to be some of the most fruitful for His children. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the season of life you are in, choose to be faithful to our faithful Savior.

Finding Security in God

Genesis 7:1-16
When Noah and his family safely made it on the ark, God shut the door behind them. He ensured their security. When you come unto the Lord for salvation, He ensures that you are kept by His power, never to be plucked from His hand. Praise God for His security!

Raising Children in a Corrupt World

Genesis 6:9-22
Noah's communion with the Lord directly affected his children. Shem, Hem, and Japheth were beneficiaries of their father's walk with God. Hear from today's episode the influence that obedience to Jesus can have on your family.

Continuing to Walk with God: Noah

Genesis 6:1-9
As we continue walking through the beginning chapters of Genesis, God reminds us once again of the importance of intimacy with Him. There is no substitute for walking with God, and neither is there anything more satisfactory! Purpose in your heart and plan to pursue God today.

Beginning to Walk with God: Enoch

Genesis 5:21-24
There is a man mentioned by ten verses in Scripture, but he is only known for one thing. What are you known for? Let the defining factor of your life be, like Enoch, that you walk with God.

Death Does Not End It All!

Genesis 5:25-32
If you are a Christian, the greatest day of your life is the day you see Christ face to face. Death may take some things away, but it presents us with much more! Death does not end it all, because there is no end to our God.

What Will You Leave Behind?

Genesis 5:21-24
Someday when you leave this earth, you are going to leave something behind. Regardless of financial status, everyone leaves behind a heritage and a testimony. Through today's study, discover the long-lasting value of walking with the Lord.

A Walk through the Family Cemetery

Genesis 5:1-20
Spurgeon once said, "The way to make the most of your life is to meditate on your death." While keeping the end in mind, you cause yourself to live with clarity and urgency. Accept this episode's challenge of making every day count for Jesus!

Get a Fresh Communion with Your Creator

Genesis 4:25-26
At this moment, are you prayerful or prayerless? Prayer is our vital link with Almighty God. It avails His power to our lives and His peace to our souls. Before you go any farther with your day, spend time in communion with your Creator.

Get a Fresh Faith for the Future

Genesis 4:25-26
Faith is something that has to be refreshed daily. You cannot live off of yesterday's faith. While we can have our faith strengthened through His word, God uses a variety of means to build our faith. Ask Him today to give you a fresh faith for the future.

Get a Fresh Glimpse of God

Genesis 4:25-26
It would benefit us all to get a fresh glimpse of God! When you ignore or question the goodness of God, you open the door to evil. Get your eyes off of your wrong doings or bad circumstances and set them anew on Him!

Is It Really Progress?

Genesis 4:17-24
What kind of heritage will you leave behind? What if your children and grandchildren were to continue on the same path you're currently traveling? In today's episode, we examine our hearts and determine if we are making true progress.

A Dead End

Genesis 4:6-17
When we fail to confess our sin to God, it eventually consumes us. You cannot excuse or hide your sin. Unconfessed sin multiplies into more sin and divides you from God's plan. Study the life of Cain and choose to live a clean life before the Lord.

First Principles for Children

Genesis 4:1-5
Children are a gift from God, and every child is different. While it is the responsibility of parents to teach these children who the Lord is, it is the child's responsibility to accept Christ on his own. Discover some practical principles for children today from some of the first children on earth.

What Happened to the Tree of Life?

Genesis 3:22-24
Imagine living forever separated from God. If Adam and Eve would have eaten from the tree of life in their fallen state, they would have lived forever with the curse of sin upon them. Praise God for His mercy in restoring us through Christ!

Christ and the Curse

Genesis 3:14-21
All the types of evil that we see in world today are a direct result of the day that man fell. Even on that dark day, the Lord Jesus Christ shone as brightly as He does today. Study the book of Genesis with us and discover the first promise of the coming Savior!

The Blame Game

Genesis 3:11-13
When a person gets caught doing something wrong, typically his first fleshly response is to find someone to blame. We inherited this trait from our first parents, Adam and Eve. Listen to this episode and learn the valuable lesson about personal responsibility.

Hard Truth About Sin

Genesis 3:6-10
Sin not only fails to deliver what it promises but also delivers what you do not want. It draws you in but shortly after destroys you and others around you. Jump into our study as we continue "Finding a New Beginning."

Identity Matters

Genesis 3:5-6
Satan is always trying to steal from us the identity God has given us. By doing this, he distorts our perspective and deters us from our purpose. Christian, your true identity is wrapped up in God's identity.

That Old Serpent

Genesis 3:1-5
Satan, like a subtle serpent, knows how to appeal to man and attack his weaknesses. Very often, he will use good things to make us do bad things. Other times, Satan will dilute truth with a small lie. His tactics have not changed since the beginning of time.

Not Good

Genesis 2:18-25
After creating everything and deeming it good, God saw Adam's lack of companionship and said, "It is not good that the man should be alone." Marriage is God's design and desire. Tune in to discover the purpose of marriage.

The First Command

Genesis 2:15-17
When the Lord says "no," it is not because He is trying to keep something good from you. Rather, it is because He is trying to keep something bad from you. God's prohibitions are accompanied by His provisions. God wants what is best for you!

Don’t Forget Where You Came From

Genesis 2:4-15
When you discover the origin of man, you can discern the objective of man. While God spoke other things into existence, He formed man with His own hands. Pause today and put your life back in His hands.

Start Fresh

Genesis 2:1-3
Adam's first full day on earth was a designated day of rest with God. God did not give Adam any work to do until he first learned to rest in the Lord. in As we rest, God encourages and equips us for a fresh start in His work.


Genesis 2:1-3
Did you know the Lord built into creation a daily reminder that He is God, and we are not? This reminder is rest. Be reminded from today's episode of our need to be refreshed.

A Lesson for Laborers

Genesis 2:1-3
From the very beginning, work has been linked to rest. Rest can be just as much of a discipline as work is. This great rest is not leisure; it is resting contentedly in the Lord. Come unto Jesus today and claim this rest.

The Stewardship of Life

Genesis 1:26-28
Stewardship extends into every facet of life. God owns everything He's given us, and we are answerable to Him for those things. Live every day in light of your personal accountability to God.

Divine Purpose

Genesis 1:26-28
Mankind was not only made to bear God's image, but we were also made to labor with Him. Our Creator has designed and assigned tasks for all of us. Learn more about this divine purpose as we continue our series, "Finding a New Beginning."

Blessed from the Beginning

Genesis 1:26-31
From the beginning, God's intent for mankind was blessing. God made you in His image to reflect His glory and live in His goodness. As we study the crown of God's creation, don't miss why God made you!

It Was So and It Was Good

Genesis 1:6-25
As you read through the creation account in Genesis, remember that it is not just a book of information, but it is a book of revelation. Discover in today's episode the power and wisdom of our great Creator.

Your New Start

Genesis 1:4-5
Do you ever feel overlooked by the world? The Creator of the universe sees you. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by darkness? The Light of the world can divide the darkness from your life. Allow God to apply the first day of creation to your life through today's study!

The First Day

Genesis 1:2-3
Imagine witnessing the first day of creation! In the emptiness and darkness, God moved and spoke. If you want a new beginning, or if you want order in the midst of chaos, yield to the work of the Spirit and get into the Word of God.

Beginning Truth

Genesis 1:1
Someone has rightly said, "The Christian life is a series of new beginnings." Sin will always bring you to a dead end. God brings you to open doors. As we begin a new series from the first eleven chapters of Genesis, take advantage of the new beginning God is offering you today!

Moving from World Events to Personal Faith

Genesis 11:29-12:4
When God thrusts you out of something, it is to bring you into something. When God removes something, it is to replace it with something far greater. Join us as we conclude our series, "Finding a New Beginning!"

A Lot Happens in 2,000 Years

Genesis 1:1; 12:1
A new beginning always begins with the Word of God. Whether you are seeking the salvation of your soul or you are lacking freshness in your Christian life, you must start with Scripture. The same God Who spoke in the beginning of Genesis longs to speak to you today.

Not Just Another Family

Genesis 11:10-32
The great thing about a family is not what they do but what God does with them. For God to do something with us, we must first be with Him. This is the secret to being blessed and being a blessing!

A World in Chaos

Genesis 11:1-9
As a result of sin, we live in a world of chaos. While sin brings confusion, God brings clarity. We can overcome the disorder of this world by running to the Lord of order. Join us as we continue studying the Tower of Babel!

Returning to Babel

Genesis 11:1-4
When we return to pride, we are returning to Babel. The people in Babel refused to follow God's plan and attempted to make their names great rather than His. They built lives with no thought of God. Are you living in Babel today?

Don’t Be a Nimrod!

Genesis 10:8-10
Did you know you can be intelligent and not be wise? You can be a person with great capabilities yet not become the person God desires you to be. Tucked away in a long list of genealogies, Nimrod serves as a great warning to gifted individuals.

A Word for the Nations

Genesis 10:1-32
All the nations of the world find their origin in Genesis chapter ten. Although these nations look and behave differently outwardly, they are all the same inwardly. We are all of "one blood," according to God's Word.

The Old Nature in a New World

Genesis 9:18-29
Even after such a great victory in his life, Noah failed. All other wicked people were engulfed by the flood, yet the wickedness in Noah's heart remained. How can we overcome such a persistent foe?

The Rainbow Belongs to God

Genesis 9:8-17
Object lessons make a message more memorable. God designed an extraordinary object, the rainbow, to help us remember His great mercy upon all of mankind. Be reminded today of God's promise and gratefully reflect on His pity.

Let’s Try This Again

Genesis 9:1-7
When Noah and his family stepped off the ark, God presented them with a fresh start. His purpose, provision, and protection were the same, but their opportunity was new. Study with us this week as we continue through the beginning chapters of Genesis!

Start with the Altar!

Genesis 8:18-22
Did you know Noah built something after the ark that was of equal significance? He built an altar! The altar represented Noah's humble surrender to God. Tune in to today's episode and choose to start building what matters most.

While You’re Waiting…

Genesis 8:1-17
Waiting time is never wasted time. While we are waiting, God is working. He's not only working on what is going on around you, but He's also working within you. As you wait, remember God's promises and remain faithful to what you know to do.

The In Between Times of Life

Genesis 7:17-24
The transitional times of life can be the most frightening or frustrating. However, God sets those seasons in motion to be some of the most fruitful for His children. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the season of life you are in, choose to be faithful to our faithful Savior.

Finding Security in God

Genesis 7:1-16
When Noah and his family safely made it on the ark, God shut the door behind them. He ensured their security. When you come unto the Lord for salvation, He ensures that you are kept by His power, never to be plucked from His hand. Praise God for His security!

Raising Children in a Corrupt World

Genesis 6:9-22
Noah's communion with the Lord directly affected his children. Shem, Hem, and Japheth were beneficiaries of their father's walk with God. Hear from today's episode the influence that obedience to Jesus can have on your family.

Continuing to Walk with God: Noah

Genesis 6:1-9
As we continue walking through the beginning chapters of Genesis, God reminds us once again of the importance of intimacy with Him. There is no substitute for walking with God, and neither is there anything more satisfactory! Purpose in your heart and plan to pursue God today.

Beginning to Walk with God: Enoch

Genesis 5:21-24
There is a man mentioned by ten verses in Scripture, but he is only known for one thing. What are you known for? Let the defining factor of your life be, like Enoch, that you walk with God.

Death Does Not End It All!

Genesis 5:25-32
If you are a Christian, the greatest day of your life is the day you see Christ face to face. Death may take some things away, but it presents us with much more! Death does not end it all, because there is no end to our God.

What Will You Leave Behind?

Genesis 5:21-24
Someday when you leave this earth, you are going to leave something behind. Regardless of financial status, everyone leaves behind a heritage and a testimony. Through today's study, discover the long-lasting value of walking with the Lord.

A Walk through the Family Cemetery

Genesis 5:1-20
Spurgeon once said, "The way to make the most of your life is to meditate on your death." While keeping the end in mind, you cause yourself to live with clarity and urgency. Accept this episode's challenge of making every day count for Jesus!

Get a Fresh Communion with Your Creator

Genesis 4:25-26
At this moment, are you prayerful or prayerless? Prayer is our vital link with Almighty God. It avails His power to our lives and His peace to our souls. Before you go any farther with your day, spend time in communion with your Creator.

Get a Fresh Faith for the Future

Genesis 4:25-26
Faith is something that has to be refreshed daily. You cannot live off of yesterday's faith. While we can have our faith strengthened through His word, God uses a variety of means to build our faith. Ask Him today to give you a fresh faith for the future.

Get a Fresh Glimpse of God

Genesis 4:25-26
It would benefit us all to get a fresh glimpse of God! When you ignore or question the goodness of God, you open the door to evil. Get your eyes off of your wrong doings or bad circumstances and set them anew on Him!

Is It Really Progress?

Genesis 4:17-24
What kind of heritage will you leave behind? What if your children and grandchildren were to continue on the same path you're currently traveling? In today's episode, we examine our hearts and determine if we are making true progress.

A Dead End

Genesis 4:6-17
When we fail to confess our sin to God, it eventually consumes us. You cannot excuse or hide your sin. Unconfessed sin multiplies into more sin and divides you from God's plan. Study the life of Cain and choose to live a clean life before the Lord.

First Principles for Children

Genesis 4:1-5
Children are a gift from God, and every child is different. While it is the responsibility of parents to teach these children who the Lord is, it is the child's responsibility to accept Christ on his own. Discover some practical principles for children today from some of the first children on earth.

What Happened to the Tree of Life?

Genesis 3:22-24
Imagine living forever separated from God. If Adam and Eve would have eaten from the tree of life in their fallen state, they would have lived forever with the curse of sin upon them. Praise God for His mercy in restoring us through Christ!

Christ and the Curse

Genesis 3:14-21
All the types of evil that we see in world today are a direct result of the day that man fell. Even on that dark day, the Lord Jesus Christ shone as brightly as He does today. Study the book of Genesis with us and discover the first promise of the coming Savior!

The Blame Game

Genesis 3:11-13
When a person gets caught doing something wrong, typically his first fleshly response is to find someone to blame. We inherited this trait from our first parents, Adam and Eve. Listen to this episode and learn the valuable lesson about personal responsibility.

Hard Truth About Sin

Genesis 3:6-10
Sin not only fails to deliver what it promises but also delivers what you do not want. It draws you in but shortly after destroys you and others around you. Jump into our study as we continue "Finding a New Beginning."

Identity Matters

Genesis 3:5-6
Satan is always trying to steal from us the identity God has given us. By doing this, he distorts our perspective and deters us from our purpose. Christian, your true identity is wrapped up in God's identity.

That Old Serpent

Genesis 3:1-5
Satan, like a subtle serpent, knows how to appeal to man and attack his weaknesses. Very often, he will use good things to make us do bad things. Other times, Satan will dilute truth with a small lie. His tactics have not changed since the beginning of time.

Not Good

Genesis 2:18-25
After creating everything and deeming it good, God saw Adam's lack of companionship and said, "It is not good that the man should be alone." Marriage is God's design and desire. Tune in to discover the purpose of marriage.

The First Command

Genesis 2:15-17
When the Lord says "no," it is not because He is trying to keep something good from you. Rather, it is because He is trying to keep something bad from you. God's prohibitions are accompanied by His provisions. God wants what is best for you!

Don’t Forget Where You Came From

Genesis 2:4-15
When you discover the origin of man, you can discern the objective of man. While God spoke other things into existence, He formed man with His own hands. Pause today and put your life back in His hands.

Start Fresh

Genesis 2:1-3
Adam's first full day on earth was a designated day of rest with God. God did not give Adam any work to do until he first learned to rest in the Lord. in As we rest, God encourages and equips us for a fresh start in His work.


Genesis 2:1-3
Did you know the Lord built into creation a daily reminder that He is God, and we are not? This reminder is rest. Be reminded from today's episode of our need to be refreshed.

A Lesson for Laborers

Genesis 2:1-3
From the very beginning, work has been linked to rest. Rest can be just as much of a discipline as work is. This great rest is not leisure; it is resting contentedly in the Lord. Come unto Jesus today and claim this rest.

The Stewardship of Life

Genesis 1:26-28
Stewardship extends into every facet of life. God owns everything He's given us, and we are answerable to Him for those things. Live every day in light of your personal accountability to God.

Divine Purpose

Genesis 1:26-28
Mankind was not only made to bear God's image, but we were also made to labor with Him. Our Creator has designed and assigned tasks for all of us. Learn more about this divine purpose as we continue our series, "Finding a New Beginning."

Blessed from the Beginning

Genesis 1:26-31
From the beginning, God's intent for mankind was blessing. God made you in His image to reflect His glory and live in His goodness. As we study the crown of God's creation, don't miss why God made you!

It Was So and It Was Good

Genesis 1:6-25
As you read through the creation account in Genesis, remember that it is not just a book of information, but it is a book of revelation. Discover in today's episode the power and wisdom of our great Creator.

Your New Start

Genesis 1:4-5
Do you ever feel overlooked by the world? The Creator of the universe sees you. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by darkness? The Light of the world can divide the darkness from your life. Allow God to apply the first day of creation to your life through today's study!

The First Day

Genesis 1:2-3
Imagine witnessing the first day of creation! In the emptiness and darkness, God moved and spoke. If you want a new beginning, or if you want order in the midst of chaos, yield to the work of the Spirit and get into the Word of God.

Beginning Truth

Genesis 1:1
Someone has rightly said, "The Christian life is a series of new beginnings." Sin will always bring you to a dead end. God brings you to open doors. As we begin a new series from the first eleven chapters of Genesis, take advantage of the new beginning God is offering you today!