The End.
(1 Peter 4:1-19) We come today to the end of our study, "Watch and Pray," and are reminded of Christ's example. As it did in Jesus' life, watchful prayer produces right relationships. It enables you to minister the love of God to others around you and empowers you to overcome the sinful temptations before you. (0883240405)

What Time Is It?
(1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, 17) Have you ever overslept past your alarm? It was time to wake up and take on the day, but you just ignored the call. Many living Christians have fallen asleep in the midst of the world's wickedness. In negligence, they have failed to rise up, redeem the time, and respond to God's resounding alarm. (0882240404)

Keep On!
(Colossians 4:2-4) Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is quit, while the hardest thing to do is continue. A productive prayer life is a persistent prayer life. The moment you feel like you should stop praying, consider your need and the needs of others around you. (0881240403)

The Four “Alls” of the Alert Believer
(Ephesians 6:18-19) To be an effective soldier in the Lord's army, you must be alert! Our alertness is directly related to and revealed by our praying. As we revisit a classic passage in Ephesians, hear our Great Commander's instructions and refine your prayer strategy. (0880240402)

Observant Christians
(Ephesians 6:17-19) Are you an observant person? With an array of evil around us and our fleshly enemy within us, Christians ought to be spiritually conscious. The more conscious we are, the more prayerful we will be. (0879240401)

A Prophetical Picture
(Habakkuk 2:1-4) In Old Testament times, cities had appointed watchmen who stood upon the surrounding walls to vigilantly keep guard of their territory. Habakkuk references these watchmen while relating their work to the spiritual work of watching and praying. Learn how to watch and pray through today's prophetical picture. (0877240329)

A Devotional Picture
(Psalm 102:1-7) Although we cannot know the tune to which the Psalms in Scripture were sung, we can most certainly know the tone of them. In Psalm 102, the tone moves from brokenness to joyfulness. Rediscover God's tender care for you in this Messianic Psalm. (0876240328)

A Historical Picture
(Nehemiah 4:7-9) Pictures in Scripture help you see truth more clearly, illustrating the Lord’s instructions. There are three distinct places in the Old Testament where we see pictures of watching and praying. Join us as we look at a historical picture in Nehemiah! (0875240327)

Our Attitude Toward the Word
(Luke 21:33, 37-38) If you want to know what God is thinking, read the Bible. If you want to develop the mind of Christ in you, keep on reading! Our attitude toward the Word of God reveals our attitude toward the God of the Word. Read the Scriptures today with your attention upon the Lord and intention to hear from Him. (0874240326)

Our Attitude Toward the Lord
(Luke 12:35-48) Your attitude toward the Lord will affect your attitude toward everything else. That attitude will also affect your actions. As we continue examining Luke 12, ask God to renew a right spirit within you. (0871240322)

Getting Personal with God
(Luke 12:36-37; 21:34-36) Our God is a personal God! He deals with us individually and knows us intimately. Sadly, we can be so consumed with the world around us that we miss what God wants to do with us. How can we redirect our focus? (0870240321)

Your Body
(Mark 14:38-42) Even those whom we consider to be the strongest Christians struggle. In the words of Jesus, "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." To overcome this weakness of our flesh, Christ emphasizes and exemplifies watching and praying. (0869240320)

Your Spirit
(Mark 14:35-38) The spirit is the eternal part of man God designed for Himself to reside and preside. We commune with the Lord in our spirit. Join us in today's study and find out how to rightly fellowship with God in your inner man. (0868240319)

Your Soul
(Mark 14:33-34) Do you know Jesus has a soul? Like us, He possesses an intellect, emotion, and will. Christ, in perfect example, took His emotions to His Father in prayer. If you let your emotions run your life, they will eventually ruin your life. (0867240318)

Watch Out!
(Mark 14:26-38) There are times in life where we are weak and weary. It is during these times which we ought to watch and pray most fervently. Whether your tiredness is emotional or physical, take Christ's warning to be watchful and prayerful. (0865240315)

What We Are to Do
(Mark 13:32-37) Our Lord's return not only affects our belief, it also affects our behavior. Because of this, our responsibility is to work and watch. What is it that you should add or reorder on your to-do list today? (0864240314)

What We Do Know
(Mark 13:32-37) While we cannot know the timing of Christ's return, we can know the certainty of it. The Lord tells us His second coming will be sudden. This sudden nature calls for us to stay ready, for at that moment there will not be time to get ready. (0863240313)

What We Don’t Know
(Mark 13:32-37) Although information is incredibly accessible in today's age, there is something we cannot know. On God's calendar, there is a designated day for Christ's return of which no man knows the timing. Submit to the Father's perfect timing and stay ready for the Son's return! (0862240312)

How Not to Be Surprised When Jesus Comes Again
(Mark 13:32-37) Concerning the second coming of Christ, there are two categories of people: sleepers and watchers. Sleepers are ill-prepared and apathetic, while watchers are looking and laboring. Will you be surprised when Jesus comes again? (0861240311)

One Hour
(Matthew 26:40) Have you ever tracked what you do with the hours of your life? One hour can change many days of your life. While we spend much time doing different things, there is no greater investment we can make with our hours than prayer. (0859240308)

With Me
(Matthew 26:38-44) The Lord always goes first. He never asks us to do something that He's unwilling to do Himself. When we pray, we are partnering with Christ. As we continue our series, "Watch and Pray," discover the pattern and presence of Christ in prayer. (0858240307)

Giving and Receiving in Prayer
(Matthew 26:39-41) Prayer is not getting your will done in heaven; it is getting God's will done on earth. We pour out our hearts in prayer to receive what God wants for us. May the Lord help you to set aside time for prayer today. (0857240306)

Look Out for the Enemy
(Matthew 26:31-47) Since Christ commands His disciples to watch and pray, what should we be watching for? We should be on the lookout for the enemy! Whether the inner enemy or our outer enemies, Christians must be conscious and cautious. (0856240305)

The Struggle Between Flesh and Spirit
(Matthew 26:36-41) One of the stark realities of the Christian life is that we are in an inner battle. This battle between our old man and new man will continue until Christ calls us home. Study with us as we start a brand new series, "Watch and Pray." (0855240304)
The End.
(1 Peter 4:1-19) We come today to the end of our study, "Watch and Pray," and are reminded of Christ's example. As it did in Jesus' life, watchful prayer produces right relationships. It enables you to minister the love of God to others around you and empowers you to overcome the sinful temptations before you. (0883240405)
What Time Is It?
(1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, 17) Have you ever overslept past your alarm? It was time to wake up and take on the day, but you just ignored the call. Many living Christians have fallen asleep in the midst of the world's wickedness. In negligence, they have failed to rise up, redeem the time, and respond to God's resounding alarm. (0882240404)
Keep On!
(Colossians 4:2-4) Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is quit, while the hardest thing to do is continue. A productive prayer life is a persistent prayer life. The moment you feel like you should stop praying, consider your need and the needs of others around you. (0881240403)
The Four “Alls” of the Alert Believer
(Ephesians 6:18-19) To be an effective soldier in the Lord's army, you must be alert! Our alertness is directly related to and revealed by our praying. As we revisit a classic passage in Ephesians, hear our Great Commander's instructions and refine your prayer strategy. (0880240402)
Observant Christians
(Ephesians 6:17-19) Are you an observant person? With an array of evil around us and our fleshly enemy within us, Christians ought to be spiritually conscious. The more conscious we are, the more prayerful we will be. (0879240401)
A Prophetical Picture
(Habakkuk 2:1-4) In Old Testament times, cities had appointed watchmen who stood upon the surrounding walls to vigilantly keep guard of their territory. Habakkuk references these watchmen while relating their work to the spiritual work of watching and praying. Learn how to watch and pray through today's prophetical picture. (0877240329)
A Devotional Picture
(Psalm 102:1-7) Although we cannot know the tune to which the Psalms in Scripture were sung, we can most certainly know the tone of them. In Psalm 102, the tone moves from brokenness to joyfulness. Rediscover God's tender care for you in this Messianic Psalm. (0876240328)
A Historical Picture
(Nehemiah 4:7-9) Pictures in Scripture help you see truth more clearly, illustrating the Lord’s instructions. There are three distinct places in the Old Testament where we see pictures of watching and praying. Join us as we look at a historical picture in Nehemiah! (0875240327)
Our Attitude Toward the Word
(Luke 21:33, 37-38) If you want to know what God is thinking, read the Bible. If you want to develop the mind of Christ in you, keep on reading! Our attitude toward the Word of God reveals our attitude toward the God of the Word. Read the Scriptures today with your attention upon the Lord and intention to hear from Him. (0874240326)
Our Attitude Toward the Lord
(Luke 12:35-48) Your attitude toward the Lord will affect your attitude toward everything else. That attitude will also affect your actions. As we continue examining Luke 12, ask God to renew a right spirit within you. (0871240322)
Getting Personal with God
(Luke 12:36-37; 21:34-36) Our God is a personal God! He deals with us individually and knows us intimately. Sadly, we can be so consumed with the world around us that we miss what God wants to do with us. How can we redirect our focus? (0870240321)
Your Body
(Mark 14:38-42) Even those whom we consider to be the strongest Christians struggle. In the words of Jesus, "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." To overcome this weakness of our flesh, Christ emphasizes and exemplifies watching and praying. (0869240320)
Your Spirit
(Mark 14:35-38) The spirit is the eternal part of man God designed for Himself to reside and preside. We commune with the Lord in our spirit. Join us in today's study and find out how to rightly fellowship with God in your inner man. (0868240319)
Your Soul
(Mark 14:33-34) Do you know Jesus has a soul? Like us, He possesses an intellect, emotion, and will. Christ, in perfect example, took His emotions to His Father in prayer. If you let your emotions run your life, they will eventually ruin your life. (0867240318)
Watch Out!
(Mark 14:26-38) There are times in life where we are weak and weary. It is during these times which we ought to watch and pray most fervently. Whether your tiredness is emotional or physical, take Christ's warning to be watchful and prayerful. (0865240315)
What We Are to Do
(Mark 13:32-37) Our Lord's return not only affects our belief, it also affects our behavior. Because of this, our responsibility is to work and watch. What is it that you should add or reorder on your to-do list today? (0864240314)
What We Do Know
(Mark 13:32-37) While we cannot know the timing of Christ's return, we can know the certainty of it. The Lord tells us His second coming will be sudden. This sudden nature calls for us to stay ready, for at that moment there will not be time to get ready. (0863240313)
What We Don’t Know
(Mark 13:32-37) Although information is incredibly accessible in today's age, there is something we cannot know. On God's calendar, there is a designated day for Christ's return of which no man knows the timing. Submit to the Father's perfect timing and stay ready for the Son's return! (0862240312)
How Not to Be Surprised When Jesus Comes Again
(Mark 13:32-37) Concerning the second coming of Christ, there are two categories of people: sleepers and watchers. Sleepers are ill-prepared and apathetic, while watchers are looking and laboring. Will you be surprised when Jesus comes again? (0861240311)
One Hour
(Matthew 26:40) Have you ever tracked what you do with the hours of your life? One hour can change many days of your life. While we spend much time doing different things, there is no greater investment we can make with our hours than prayer. (0859240308)
With Me
(Matthew 26:38-44) The Lord always goes first. He never asks us to do something that He's unwilling to do Himself. When we pray, we are partnering with Christ. As we continue our series, "Watch and Pray," discover the pattern and presence of Christ in prayer. (0858240307)
Giving and Receiving in Prayer
(Matthew 26:39-41) Prayer is not getting your will done in heaven; it is getting God's will done on earth. We pour out our hearts in prayer to receive what God wants for us. May the Lord help you to set aside time for prayer today. (0857240306)
Look Out for the Enemy
(Matthew 26:31-47) Since Christ commands His disciples to watch and pray, what should we be watching for? We should be on the lookout for the enemy! Whether the inner enemy or our outer enemies, Christians must be conscious and cautious. (0856240305)
The Struggle Between Flesh and Spirit
(Matthew 26:36-41) One of the stark realities of the Christian life is that we are in an inner battle. This battle between our old man and new man will continue until Christ calls us home. Study with us as we start a brand new series, "Watch and Pray." (0855240304)