A Word to 3rd Generation Christians
There is nothing quite like the excitement of being with first generation Christians! They do not use all of the cliches or know the church culture. But neither do they...
Going Back On Your Upbringing by Dr. Charles Keen
Dr. Charles Keen has served as a faithful pastor, Bible teacher, author, Bible publisher, and missionary statesman. I am happy to call him my friend. This good man is an...
GUEST POST: “A Goodly Heritage”
My first guest author this year is my pastor and hero. He has been my best friend all of my life. I am grateful for dad's testimony of faithfulness. He...
A Goodly Heritage
It all started in the mountain state so near to my own heart. Anna Jarvis began to send carnations to her local church in Grafton, West Virginia in honor...
For Christian Young People: You ARE Missing Out!
"A prudent wife is from the Lord." This verse means more to me the longer I am married. Tammy and I were driving along in the car recently. The kids...