Four Motivations for Obedience by Dr. Charles Keen
August 8, 2023
Four Motivations for Obedience As we study the Scriptures, we note an ascending order of motivations behind obedience. Our motive for obedience escalates as our love for Jesus increases. The...
A Word for Young People About Parents
September 30, 2013
Like most children, when I was very young, I memorized the Ten Commandments. The fifth commandment says, “Honour thy father and thy mother.” It is repeated eight times in the...
God in the Flesh, Part 1
byScott Pauley / Enjoying the Journey
(1 Timothy 3:16) It is a miracle that God became man without ceasing to be God! There is both a mystery and a simplicity in the truth that “God was manifest in the flesh.” In one verse God summarizes the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. (08303241218)