Psalm 119


3 Benefits of Memorizing Scripture (and How to Begin!)

It was David, the man after God’s own heart, who wrote, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11). You may...
Well fed Christians

Well Fed Christians

Let me begin by saying this is not an article about food or a healthy diet. The truth is that most of us are physically very well fed - perhaps...

Do You Know the Four Verses?

Recently I was sharing with a friend some of what God is teaching me through Psalm 119 this year. (Read more here.) It has been a joy to study it...

The 22 Day Challenge

Behavioral scientists have suggested that it takes 21 days to create a habit. I don’t know about that but I do know that in three weeks time much can be...
how sensitive are you

How Sensitive Are You?

It is ironic that we are living in a world where people are easily offended by others and yet so often hardened to the needs of others around them. Such...