

7 Ways You Can Help Your Pastor

During the month of October many churches celebrate a pastor appreciation emphasis. Other congregations do this during another time of year such as the pastor's anniversary or a special day...
5 Things Every Church Member Can Do For Their Church Today

3 Things Your Pastor Needs Now

Every week I speak with pastors who are trying to keep their local church moving forward in the face of intense opposition. Pastors are called on to feed and lead God's...
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Giving Tuesday

Across the U.S. the Tuesday after Thanksgiving has come to be known as "giving Tuesday," an opportunity to help the needy and invest in charitable causes. There are many ministries...

Would You Join Our Gospel Team?

The Apostle Paul rarely ever ministered alone. For each gospel advance he enlisted and engaged a missionary team. In his words, "we are labourers together with God" (1 Corinthians 3:9)....