We are grateful for those who come alongside the ministry of Enjoying the Journey. The gifts of God’s people enable us to extend the teaching and preaching of God’s Word around the world. As a way of saying thank you, we have created this private page to encourage and equip you as you serve the Lord. Most of all, we appreciate your prayers. May God richly bless you for being an ETJ Encourager.
The Lord Was With Joseph (Audiobook)
Dreams. Opportunity. Favor. Power. Blessings. Purpose. Jealousy. Conflict. Betrayal. Temptation. Prison. Difficulty.
All of this and much more is found in the story of Joseph. His is a representative life in so many ways–an example for us all. Follow the adventures of Joseph and you will see both the positive and negative experiences of life.
Most importantly, you will discover the one secret to the blessing of God at every stage in life: “The Lord was with Joseph.” From his youth through old age, through his blessings and burdens, we learn how to live consciously in the presence of God.
Discover timeless lessons applicable to today's marriages from the husband and wife team, Aquila and Priscilla. Although they are mentioned in four different books of the Bible, they were just an “average” couple. They didn’t hold offices in the church and aren’t world-famous today, but God used them to make a difference for eternity.
This book is filled with bonus resources, relevant Scriptures, areas for note-taking (in print form), helpful quotes, and practical applications.