In this message, Scott Pauley introduces us to the main enemy in this spiritual battle we all face each day. Spend the time to watch this week’s message for The Christian Soldier series. Today you will “Meet the Enemy.” as we look at Ephesians 6.
In this message, Scott Pauley introduces us to the main enemy in this spiritual battle we all face each day. Spend the time to watch this week’s message for The Christian Soldier series. Today you will “Meet the Enemy.” as we look at Ephesians 6.
(2 Corinthians 8:1-9) The Christian life is relational. In Christ, we are connected to believers in a way incomparable to any earthly relationship. How are you stewarding your relationship with your local church? (0920250121)
I will join you in prayer for a spiritual awakening among God's people and the advancement of the gospel.