
The Authority of the Bible

Do You Really Believe In The Authority of the Bible?

Do You Really Believe In The Authority of the Bible? Few want to talk about it today and even fewer understand it. Yet all of life boils down to authority:...

5 Books To Read For Answers

Ours is an age of questions, skeptics, and debate. Paul described the last days well when he wrote, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the...

How To Keep the Next Generation

A fellow preacher and personal friend asked me recently how I believed we could do a better job of retaining young people in our churches. It is a problem of...
Young People Ask Hard Questions

What to Do When You Have Questions

What to Do When You Have Questions Questions are opportunities to teach. God gave explicit instructions to Israel about what to say when your children ask (Deuteronomy 6:20-25).  And ask...