Bible preaching

Just as a pillar supports a building, so the right doctrine guards the church.

Yes, Doctrine Matters!

Yes, Doctrine Matters! “We have found a new church and it is wonderful! Everyone has a great time, and they don’t talk about doctrine.” I cannot tell you how often...

The Growth of a Sermon

A preacher’s sermon should simply be an organized expression of a biblical message. The right kind of preaching will not be rooted in a man’s idea but in God’s Word....
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Christians You Should Know: G. Campbell Morgan

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15 A Snapshot of the Life...
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3 Elements for Effective Preaching

Preaching the Word of God is a grand privilege and great responsibility. For the faithful minister there is a joy and a soberness in standing to deliver the Lord's message....