Christians You Should Know: G. Campbell Morgan March 29, 2023

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“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15

A Snapshot of the Life of G. Campbell Morgan:

Born: Dec. 9, 1863 – Tetbury, England
Died: May 16, 1945 – London, England
Great expository preacher, perhaps the greatest ever. Morgan was a Congregational minister who studied only the Bible for seven years. He preached his first sermon at age 13. He was a master in Jewish Collegiate School in Birmingham, 1883-88. He married Annie Morgan on August 20, 1888, who gave him seven children. He pastored the Stone Church, Staffordshire (1888-92); the Rugeley Church, Birmingham (1892-97); and the New Court Chapel, London (1897-1904). Morgan was also a speaker for the Northfield (MA) Bible Conference, 1901-4. Moody wanted him as a regular Northfield (MA) Conference speaker as early as 1897. His most important work was done as pastor of Westminster Chapel in London, 1904-17 and 1933-45, where a dead, poorly-attended congregation resurrected into a large, lively ministry. He was the president of Cheshunt College, Cambridge 1911-14. Morgan traveled in America and Canada, 1917-32, speaking to great crowds with numerous conversions. During this time, he pastored the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, 1929-32. He wrote 60 books, his first being Discipleship (1897), and his last, Luke (1931). His The Crises of the Christ (1903) is outstanding. His commentaries on books of the Bible are among the best. His biography, Man of the Word, was written by his daughter-in-law. Ripleys Believe It or Not (10th series) states Morgan memorized the entire Bible. – (Excerpt taken from the Reese Chronological Encyclopedia of Christian Biographies. Used by permission.)

A Spiritual Application for Our Lives:

We all must do better in our study of God’s Word. Often, we fail to understand the transforming power of Scripture. It is increasingly easy to become distracted and neglect the Word of God. However, God has given us His Word to reveal Himself to us. The Bible contains all we need to live a victorious Christian life. G. Campbell Morgan was a man of intense devotion and unconditional submission to God’s Word. 

The Scripture came alive to Morgan at a very young age. He began preaching at age thirteen and never stopped. Preaching was his greatest passion. He began his ministry by spending seven years reading and studying God’s Word alone. He dedicated himself to the study of God’s Word. At age nineteen, he tried to become a Wesleyan preacher but failed his trial sermon. Less than ten years later, the great D.L. Moody invited Morgan to speak for him. Pretty amazing! This is a stirring challenge to never give up on what God has given you to do.

Much could be said about the amazing ministry Morgan had. His pastorates, his students, his evangelistic work, and his writings are some of the most substantial in modern church history. Yet, the great mark of his life was his tremendous commitment to the strong, expositional preaching of God’s Word. He understood the power that God’s Word conveys. Morgan declared:

“The Church of the Living God is the pillar and ground of the truth. If the Church is to do this work she must know the Word of God for herself. If the men appointed to minister within her borders are to assist the Church to the fulfillment of her function, they must know the Word of God themselves.”

More importantly, Morgan did not just preach God’s Word, he lived in it. In sermon preparation, Morgan would read the book he was going to preach through forty to fifty times before he would even begin to study it! It is no wonder many people believe he memorized the entire Bible. However, in all of his study, preaching, and writing, Morgan never failed to miss the main thing: spreading the gospel to a lost world. He wrote:

“There is a Person the world needs to see. Am I helping to show Him to the world? There are dark and troubled and storm-tossed waters on which mariners are being wrecked, and there is a Light for them. Am I helping to flash the light across the dark waters? There is famine for the Word of God everywhere, and men are wandering away and dying, and there is a Word of God that meets the need of such hungry souls. Am I doing anything to make it known?”

So, what about you? Do you study God’s Word to be equipped to reveal Him to others? Have you devoted your life to studying and obeying the Word of God? Let G. Campbell Morgan’s example spur you on to greater devotion to the Word of God – for Scripture alone “abideth forever” (1 Peter 1:22-25).

A Suggestion for Further Reading…

A Man of the Word: Life of G. Campbell Morgan – Jill Morgan, 1951

The True Estimate Of Life And How To Live – G. Campbell Morgan, 1899

There are dozens of books and and study aids from Morgan. They are all very helpful Bible study resources. We especially like his four volumes on each of the gospel records.

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