
Psalm 73

“Asaph’s Revival” by Dr. Bob Sanders

Asaph’s Revival The more I read and study Psalm 73, the greater my appreciation for the individual known as Asaph. Even though he is following the leadership of the Spirit of...

“Biblical Revival” by Dr. Bob Sanders

Within Psalm 73, we see one of the most defined and Biblical pictures of revival in the Word of God. The psalm sets before us the subject, the setting, and...

GUEST POST: Revival Praying in Practice

We rejoice in the way that God is continuing to use Revival Praying to stir believers in the matter of seeking God. Recently Daniel Jessup conducted a meeting built around the Revival Praying resource at...
Post - revival praying bible app

“Revival Praying” Bible App Plan Now Available

Throughout the past few months, we have made available several Bible study plans through the Bible App. Again, while we do not align with this ministry in every area, we...

A One Year Update and A Special Offer

One year ago we released the first book from Enjoying the Journey, a simple study of Ezra 9 called Revival Praying. The publisher just sent me a report this week...

Meditations On Revival

In a world marred by sin and marked by suffering God’s people must constantly be reminded of the admonition: “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the...

My Favorite Revival Hymn

Certain songs have become old standards in most revival meetings. The one I hear sung more than any other is the great hymn "Revive Us Again." Just this week a...

Why the Resurrection Gives Me Hope for Revival

The message of the resurrection is not just to be preached to the lost; it is a truth to be repeated, remembered, and reflected on again and again among believers....

Thanks for Your Patience!

A little over a month ago we sold out of the hardback edition of Revival Praying. I am truly grateful to God for the reception the book has received in...

What We Really Need

We are one month into the new year! How are your resolutions holding up? I am not a critic of resolutions; they have very often marked turning points in my...

One Revival Challenge & Two Pieces of News

These are exciting times to be serving Jesus. Yes, I know our nation is in a mess - but the Lord loves to step into the middle of a mess...

New Audio Book Released

I had to laugh as I thought of how we all spoke of 2020 as the year to emphasize vision, only to discover that this year would bring so many...

Exciting News to Share

One of the great joys of serving the Lord is watching Him work in ways we could never have planned. Yes, we are “laborers together with God” and He has...

Today Is The Day!

I am not discouraged. Yes, I have watched the news in recent days and have been saddened by the state of affairs in our nation. But God's people should not...