New Audio Book Released December 5, 2020


I had to laugh as I thought of how we all spoke of 2020 as the year to emphasize vision, only to discover that this year would bring so many things we could never have envisioned! What a blessing to remember that God sees much better than we do. He sees the end from the beginning and my only assignment is to keep my eye on Him.

It would have been impossible to know how God would guide in the writing of Revival Praying and superintend the distribution of it throughout the last six months, but I am truly grateful. The publisher has just informed me that they have sold out of the first edition and have just sent this little book for a second printing. Additional books will be available shortly and can still be ordered at

The free ebook version continues to do very well on both Kindle and Apple Books. It is thrilling to think that there are thousands of people now studying Ezra 9 with us and joining in revival praying!

As you may know, there are supplementary resources now available as well:

I am happy to announce that the audio book of Revival Praying has now been released. Several people have reached out to see if this would be a possibility and I appreciate the team of fellow workers who helped to make it happen. It was a privilege to record the book in this format and we are asking God to multiply the message to many more prayer partners.

Click either link below to get your copy now:

Download the audiobook on Audible.

Download the audiobook from Apple Books.

If you are blessed by the book we would deeply appreciate you leaving a review and recommending it to others. 

While 2020 has been a challenging year for us all, it is my prayer that we will remember it as a year that an army of believers began to truly engage in revival praying. God may be setting things in motion in the midst of the chaos that will bring us a great awakening and Him the greatest glory. May the will of God be done.

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