

NEW: Book of the Month Recommendation

When Paul was sitting in a Roman prison, facing death, he was still growing. In his final letter to Timothy he requested a number of things, and notable in the...
The Real Need of America, problem in America,

The Real Need of America

The Real Need of America We are in a time of national turmoil. Rumors are swirling, tempers are flaring, and feelings of anticipation and dread are filling many minds and...
iPhone 12 Pro Mockups

New Audio Book Now Available!

It has been a great joy living with Joseph for the last few months. Just think - we will spend eternity with all of these godly Bible characters! The more...
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New Book Release!!!

Dreams. Opportunity. Favor. Power. Blessings. Purpose. Jealousy. Conflict. Betrayal. Temptation. Prison. Difficulty. All of this and much more is found in the story of Joseph. His is a representative life...

Good Resource on the “Minor Prophets”

Are you a life-long learner? We are all supposed to be life-long students of Scripture. It is impossible to exhaust God's infinite truth! You can search the Scriptures but you...

A One Year Update and A Special Offer

One year ago we released the first book from Enjoying the Journey, a simple study of Ezra 9 called Revival Praying. The publisher just sent me a report this week...

Order Now for July 4!

These are crisis days in our country. What can we do about it? In "The Need of Our Nation" we examine two Old Testament passages and two New Testament passages...

A Tool for Bible Study, Prayer, and Teaching

Solomon said, "Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh" (Ecclesiastes 12:12). This is the life verse of every college student!...

News About A New Booklet!

Have you wondered in recent weeks what more you can do for your country? On this President's Day I am excited to announce the publication of a new booklet, The...

Thanks for Your Patience!

A little over a month ago we sold out of the hardback edition of Revival Praying. I am truly grateful to God for the reception the book has received in...

New Audio Book Released

I had to laugh as I thought of how we all spoke of 2020 as the year to emphasize vision, only to discover that this year would bring so many...

Recent Reads & Recommendations

A few nights ago I had the privilege after a meeting to spend some time with a group of young preachers. We had a wonderful conversation on a range of...

5 Final Thoughts on Books

It has been a joy over recent months to share with you some of my favorite books on a variety of subjects. The weekly "short list" is really just a...

5 Books to Read On The Book

There is no book on earth like God's Book - it is the very Word of the Living God, and every word of it is for us! I love the...

5 Books To Read On Great Leaders

Leadership has become a buzzword in our culture. Without a doubt there can be an unhealthy, man-centered, humanistic emphasis on leadership. Yet a careful student of history must admit that...

5 Books To Read On Powerful Preachers

This is hard for me. The lives of so many faithful ministers have ministered to me through the years! Yet as I look at my shelves and consider the ones...

5 Books To Read For Fun

Reading is not just for information! It can be a healthy habit and constructive distraction for busy people. While I spend much of my reading time in research and study...

5 Books to Read On Prophecy

There is increased interest right now in the subject of prophecy. The entertainment world is full of speculation about apocalyptic events and the "end of the world" seems to be...

5 Books to Read On Marriage & Family (And One I Am Starting To Read)

This week I had the privilege of speaking in a special seminar on the Christian home. The people in attendance were young and old, single and married, people with children...

5 Books to Read About America

I love America. God has been gracious to our land and I thank the Lord for the privilege of being born in this country. Like so many of you, I...

5 Books To Read On Music

Let me begin by saying that I am not a musician! The books that I am recommending are not related to the technical aspects of music, but rather to the...

5 Books To Read As Commentaries

Frequently I am asked what Bible commentaries I would recommend. This is a broad question without an easy answer. Some commentators are better on some books than others. For example,...

5 Books To Read To Help Young People

Much of my ministry has been connected to young people. It was my privilege to serve for many years as a church youth director. I enjoyed teaching youth ministry at...

5 Books To Read On Church Ministry

In a previous post I shared some recommended reading on preaching, but all of us who have been in the Lord's work for any period of time know that there...

I Would Appreciate Your Help!

One of the great joys of my life is the fellowship and friendship we enjoy with the people of God. There is nothing like being in the greatest family on...

5 Books To Read For Answers

Ours is an age of questions, skeptics, and debate. Paul described the last days well when he wrote, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the...

5 Books To Read When You Are Having A Hard Time

Someone once said that everybody is having a hard time with something. The longer I live the more I think they were right. We are sinners living with other sinners...

5 Books to Read on Finances

This week we sat around the dinner table with our children and had a most interesting conversation about finances. The discussion was not just about our finances but about theirs....

5 Books To Read On Witnessing

Every believer is to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 24:48; Acts 1:8). In fact, every Christian is a witness - we may be a good one...

5 Books To Read On Living A Victorious Christian Life

The goal of reading and studying should not be knowing, it is should be living. Many people have a head full of facts but a life empty of truth. In...

Would You Join Me This Morning?

This has been an exciting week with the release of Revival Praying on Monday. We have been encouraged by the initial reception to the book and especially the response of...
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5 Books To Help With Your Personal Devotions

There is a delicate balance in the daily devotional life: we want to keep both discipline and freshness in our time with God. Very easily routines turn into ruts and...

Today Is The Day!

I am not discouraged. Yes, I have watched the news in recent days and have been saddened by the state of affairs in our nation. But God's people should not...
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5 Books To Read On Great Christians

Every Christian should read biography. Through the years God has used the story of believers in history to both instruct and inspire me. First, let me say that not every...

An Announcement I Am Excited To Share

America is in desperate need of revival. Our nation needs the healing that only God's holy presence can bring. But great awakenings never begin as national movements - they begin...

5 Books Every Man Should Read

Everywhere we look, we see reminders of our  desperate need for godly men to set the pace for another generation coming along behind them. Personally, I am grateful that my...

5 Books To Read On Preaching

It is a great privilege to stand and preach God's Word to others. In fact, it is a high and holy calling that should never be taken for granted! Preachers...

5 Books To Read About The Holy Spirit

How well do you know the Spirit of God? Though we live in the age of the Spirit, there is so much confusion about Him. Some fall short of really...

5 Books To Read On Prayer + 1 I’m Reading Now

This is a hard one. I have so many books that have been a tremendous help to me on the subject of prayer. There are a host of "classics" -...
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5 Books To Read For Bible Study

The wisest man who ever lived said, "There is no new thing under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). That is because truth is never new - it is eternal. One of...

5 Books on Revival

Many of God's people believe that we are on the verge of a revival in our day. There is a disruption of norms, a hunger for God, a deep sense...

5 Books To Read About Jesus (And One Bonus)

For at least one day this week people thought of Christ. We have just come through Easter and much of the world has considered the story of Jesus and the...
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New Blog Series: “Another Week In The Books”

What are you currently reading? Do you have any books to recommend? Who are some authors you enjoy? These are questions that I frequently get from friends, but in the...

A New Book On An Eternal Truth

Do you have a difficult time loving some people? Do you struggle to express love to others? Does it seem that even with those you love that your love falls...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

24 Reading Recommendations For The New Year

In Thomas Jefferson's Library at the Library of Congress This week a dear pastor friend and I corresponded about helpful books to share with others. As...