Good Resource on the “Minor Prophets” April 19, 2022


Are you a life-long learner? We are all supposed to be life-long students of Scripture. It is impossible to exhaust God’s infinite truth! You can search the Scriptures but you never find it all.

For me, one of the greatest joys is seeing someone who has been a student of Scripture becoming a teacher of the Word. Several years ago, I had the privilege of teaching a young college student named Nathaniel Brown. Just days ago I crossed paths with him and rejoiced to see him working diligently to teach others what God is teaching him.

He has written a little book that surveys the 12 books of Scripture known as the “Minor Prophets.” I can tell you from personal experience that there is very little available on this portion of our Old Testament, and yet the truth in these small books are rich and wonderful. One of the things I was most excited about was Nathaniel’s approach on the books with a primary emphasis on the character of God. This should be the aim of every Bible study – to know the God of the Word more intimately.

I am happy to recommend this new volume as a good addition to your library. Take a moment to read this brief overview of Twelve Portraits of God. You will find ordering information at the conclusion. It is my prayer that you will grow to love this section of Scripture in a fresh way and to love the Lord more because of it…

For many Christians, the last twelve books of the Old Testament are the least familiar books in the Bible. These easily neglected books are brimming with wonderful truths, but prophecy can be intimidating, and some feel that they don’t know where to start. Twelve Portraits of God provides an accessible introduction to these books by pointing us to the lessons each prophet teaches us about the nature of God.

Each chapter of this study starts with some facts about the prophetic book. These facts provide biblical context and, in most cases, insight into the personality of the prophet who penned the book. The main text of each chapter strives to tell the story of the book through one of its passages, helping you dive into the material that is there and see how it applies to you today. Each chapter introduces a biblical character, usually a king, whose story is tied to the message or timeline of the book. There are also brief word studies and explorations of subjects across Scripture.

As we study any Biblical passage, we should always ask, “What does this passage teach me about God?” That question will be your guide in coming to understand these twelve books we call the Minor Prophets. As you read this study, you will discover that these twelve prophetic books truly are beautiful portraits of our amazing God.

Order your copy of Twelve Portraits of God here.

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