Journey Through Acts
Journey Through Acts Overview: Some people have called it, the Fifth Gospel. It is called in our New Testament, the Book of Acts. Most think they are the acts of...

Yes, Doctrine Matters!
Yes, Doctrine Matters! “We have found a new church and it is wonderful! Everyone has a great time, and they don’t talk about doctrine.” I cannot tell you how often...

What Can We Learn From Jonah?
It has been well stated that the word “anger” is one letter short of the word “danger.” However, one does not have to search far to see the emotion of...

A Parable for Preachers
A Parable for Preachers Christ, the Master Teacher, very often used stories to help His disciples see what He was saying. Recently I came across the following story and thought it...

The Tombs of the Prophets
“And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst...

The Growth of a Sermon
A preacher’s sermon should simply be an organized expression of a biblical message. The right kind of preaching will not be rooted in a man’s idea but in God’s Word....

Moody’s Great Impact Upon My Life by Bob Crichton
”For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16 A Snapshot...

Christians You Should Know: Charles Spurgeon
"For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth." - 2 Corinthians 13:8 A Snapshot of the Life of Charles Spurgeon: Born: June 19, 1834, in Kelvedon,...

Christians You Should Know: G. Campbell Morgan
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15 A Snapshot of the Life...

Good News In A Bad World
Today's ETJ podcast concludes our study of the first section of Acts. What an encouragement this portion of Scripture has been to my faith! The Adventure Continues...and shortly we will...

Lessons from the Road: 10 Tips for Itinerant Preachers
Itinerant ministry, like any work, has its unique challenges and its special blessings. There is ample evidence in the New Testament that itinerant ministry has a valid place both in...

Preachers Need Preaching Too!
When my dad was in his 30’s God called him to be a preacher. I have heard him tell the story of seeking counsel from his older brother James who...

7 Pitfalls in Preaching
Men often fail in their strengths, and too often, those of us who are called and gifted to communicate God's Word fail in that very area. It is not always...

7 Suggestions for Church Audio/Video Technicians
Every Christian worker should desire to render their very best service for the Lord and His church. One of the Bible principles of labor is: "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to...

Dear Pastor – An Open Letter to Faithful Shepherds
Dear Pastor, The last two years have been full of challenges that none of us have ever faced and few of us could have imagined. The physical, emotional, and spiritual...

Join Us This Week…
Today we begin the annual gathering of the Southwide Baptist Fellowship in Raleigh, NC. We are very grateful that friends from around the country are coming to be with us...

An Open Letter To Our Friends
Dear Friend, These are challenging and exciting days to be serving the Lord Jesus. The need of our world is great and Christ is coming soon! We are praying that...

What Is An Evangelist?
“Did you ever imagine that you would be an evangelist?” This question from a pastor recently was a reminder that for the first half of my life I never thought...

3 Things Every Preacher Must Remember
There is something very special and deeply spiritual about the moment when we are called to stand before a group of people - any people! anywhere! - and preach the...

Preachers Need Preaching Too!
It was only after I went into full time evangelism that I began to appreciate how much good preaching I had been privileged to listen to…and how much I still...

The Final Month of a Unique Year
2020 has become a byword for the unexpected and unusual. While we have all laughed and cried at the twists and turns of this year, let me encourage you not...

Praise and Prayer – Our November Schedule
As we approach this Thanksgiving month I am both grateful and prayerful. The Lord continues to guide and protect us. Week after week we see His hand at work and...

The Last Few Days and the Days Ahead
My heart is full of the goodness of the Lord to us! Over the last few days it was a privilege to gather with so many pastors and Christian workers...

Our October Schedule
This evening I will fly to Pennsylvania for the first meeting of a new month. It is a privilege to serve the Lord alongside pastors each week. October is designated...

Our August Schedule
The adventure continues! Following Christ is always an adventure but the current situation in our world makes it even more so. These are days where we must exercise faith at...

3 Elements for Effective Preaching
Preaching the Word of God is a grand privilege and great responsibility. For the faithful minister there is a joy and a soberness in standing to deliver the Lord's message....

5 Books To Read On Preaching
It is a great privilege to stand and preach God's Word to others. In fact, it is a high and holy calling that should never be taken for granted! Preachers...

Looking Ahead To May
Someone said that man plans and God laughs. Scripture says it better, "A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps" (Proverbs 16:9). In recent weeks we...

Our New YouTube Channel!
In recent days we have all been reminded of the positive use of technology and online resources for Christians and churches. They are platforms that can be used for the...

Our March Itinerary
Today I am on my way to speak at a very special men's conference in North Carolina. It is the last meeting of what has been a very busy month....

4 Suggestions For Preachers
Augustus Toplady, author of the great hymn “Rock Of Ages,” was twenty-eight years old when he spent an afternoon in London with an older preacher whom he admired greatly. The...

Our November Schedule
As I write these words I am sitting in my study on a beautiful fall day, overwhelmed with the goodness and faithfulness of my Lord. This has been a truly...

Why I Am Doing What I Am Doing
Frequently I am asked if I plan to continue in evangelism, if I want to pastor, or if I miss what I did in the past. They are good questions...

A Brand New Series Of Bible Messages Now Available
When I was a student in college, Dr. Frank Sells once challenged us to choose a “life book” – a book of the Bible to immerse ourselves in and to...

30 Years Ago Tonight
Thirty years ago tonight I surrendered my life to Christ to preach His Word. Thirty years. A few days later, as a twelve-year-old boy, I stood in a cottage prayer...

Our July Schedule
Thank you for continuing to pray with us for souls and the revival of God's people. We covet your prayers as we approach the heart of the summer! Monday-Tuesday, July...

Would You Help Us Pray For These Exciting Opportunities In June?
June is a big month for families and always a special time for young people getting out of school! I love this time of year for the opportunities to minister...

I Need Your Prayers
Today I leave for a 10 day preaching trip. The Lord is helping us and we are seeing His hand. At the same time there is always spiritual warfare because...

Our May Itinerary
Thank you for praying with us and for us month after month. The Lord is so very gracious and we are humbled just to be in His work. Several folks...

Our March Prayer List
Life is not about things "to-do" but about things "to-pray" for. Every event should be an opportunity to pray. The calendar should become part of our prayer list! As I...

Looking Ahead To February
It is a privilege to labor with others for the cause of Christ. The Lord is doing some wonderful things in churches all over this country. I thank God for...

Our November Itinerary
Would you pray with us for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in each one of these meetings? I know that apart from the Holy Spirit using God's Word...

Preacher, Are You Growing?
As preachers of God's truth we must always be growing. Certainly we must continue to mature in our understanding of the truth itself, but we must also develop in our...

September 2018 Schedule & Prayer List
The month of August has been a month of transition as our oldest daughter, Morgan, has begun college and Lauren and Grant have returned to school. God has graciously allowed...

Dear Preacher, Preach In Faith.
Preach In Faith All of us who have preached for any length of time can testify that some things are different every time we stand to preach. The truth never...

Our August Schedule
What a precious summer we have had so far! God has helped us and we have seen Him at work in so many places. Thank you for praying for us...

Our June Ministry Schedule
Hello, praying friends! Thank you for standing with us on your knees. We need your prayers more than ever and are conscious every day that someone is praying. God bless...

A Guest Post And An Exciting Announcement
Pastor Scott Hooks is one of my dearest friends on earth. The work he has been chosen to lead in Hickory, NC is being blessed of the Lord in a wonderful...

Preachers Are All Different!
No two people are the same, and no two preachers are either. The gifts and callings of God are unique in the life of every one of His servants. It...

Our April 2018 Itinerary
It is hard to imagine that we are near the end of the first quarter of 2018! Next week we will publish our quarterly family newsletter with several special reports....

My Advice To A Young Preacher
My Advice To A Young Preacher Recently a teenage boy wrote to tell me that God had called him to be a preacher. What a joy to see another generation...

Cliche Christianity
So much of our Christianity has become trite and cliche. Words often overused and under-appreciated are common place. Do we even think about the things we are saying? I hear...

GUEST POST: Preaching 101
Pastor Kenny Kuykendall is being mightily used of the Lord in Lawrenceville, Georgia. It was my privilege to review his newest book on preaching. I know it will be a...

Use A Story!
Everybody loves a good story. Some preachers and teachers are known as story-tellers. This should never be our goal. Our mission is to be truth-tellers. However, learning to tell a...

A Special Update and Our February Itinerary
The first month of 2018 has exceeded our prayers and plans. In the words of the Psalm 118:23, "This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes." So...

What I Have Learned About Series Preaching
Evangelists are not typically known for series preaching. For many years I thought that sermon series were basically pastoral in nature. More and more I believe that such preaching is...

Will You Join Us On the Journey?
Six years ago this month I began writing on our blog. At the time God led me to call it Enjoying the Journey. (You may read more about why I chose...

January 2018 Itinerary and a Prayer Request
If God lets us live until Monday we will begin a brand new year. What a privilege to serve the Lord! Below you will find our scheduled meetings for the...

The 3 Most Important Times in A Revival Meeting
We have just come through one of the busiest seasons of the year for revival meetings. In reality, God chooses the season for revival. It cannot be scheduled or planned....

The Final Month of the Year: December 2017 Itinerary
We are drawing to the close of a very busy year! I am grateful to have a little extra time with the family over the next few weeks. Most of...

Please Pray for These November Meetings
This is my favorite season of the year and a busy season of ministry. God has been faithful and we are seeing Him work in many places. Thank you for...

Our October Schedule & A Request for Prayer
Thank you for your continued prayers. A precious lady at a church recently asked me, “What can I pray for specifically?” I love that. Specific prayers bring specific answers. Please...

Now That You Are Called
Several weeks ago I published a short post on how to know when you have been called. (You may read the original post here.) It was encouraging to hear from...

Exciting Days – Our September Itinerary
"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24). Not every day is the same. In fact, in itinerant evangelism,...

“How Do You Know When You Have Been Called?”
When the Lord first began dealing with me about being a preacher I asked my dad, “How do you know when you are called to preach?” He gave what I...

Our August Itinerary and A Quarterly Update
This summer has been exceedingly busy and blessed. We thank the Lord for His goodness in our lives and in the work He has called us to do. God has...

Some Thoughts On Our Recent Campaign
It is a joy to be home for a couple of days after a busy season of meetings. Just a few days ago we conducted a Go Reach America Campaign...

Our May Itinerary
Forgive me! Over the last few weeks I have heard from many of you who regularly read the blog and pray for us. The month of April was exceptionally full...

Our January 2017 Itinerary
This morning I preached the first meeting of the new year. The Lord's Word and Spirit was so very precious. Only God knows how many more meetings we will be...

Getting the Most Out of a Church Meeting
Boredom seems to be the order of the day. Why go to church anyhow? A Church in Decay Church attendance nationally is on the decline. Even...

A Deepening Conviction
Every conviction in our hearts should grow out of God's Word. With the passage of time those convictions that are founded in eternal truth only deepen. The Holy Ghost confirms...