Our New YouTube Channel! March 24, 2020


In recent days we have all been reminded of the positive use of technology and online resources for Christians and churches. They are platforms that can be used for the gospel and the encouragement of God’s people! We are increasingly asked where to find our full length Bible messages. Every church uses different platforms to archive their services and some are not available to all.

The friends who help us with media have worked hard to archive many of the sermons that I give in revival and evangelistic meetings. We are very pleased to announce that these will begin to be posted regularly on a new YouTube channel! As always our daily podcast audio archives may be found at enjoyingthejourney.org/broadcast, but any video messages will be posted to our Youtube channel and will also be available at enjoyingthejourney.org/sermons.

This will give me a means to share Bible preaching, and also brief video messages from time to time on a variety of subjects. Please subscribe to the channel so that you can keep up with new messages. It would be a great blessing if you would consider sharing it with friends as well.

A recent message that I gave on “Why Sodom Was Not Saved” has just been uploaded. It is a plea for each of us to claim our town for God. I hope you will take the time to watch and pass it along to others.

Thank you for your prayers and support as we seek to fulfill the work God has given us to do.

Later this week our first quarter newsletter will be emailed out. If you have not yet subscribed you may do so here.

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  1. John Rasmussen on April 3, 2020 at 3:31 PM

    Would like to subscribe to your blog

    • Scott Pauley on April 7, 2020 at 9:20 AM

      Wonderful! We just sent an email to your inbox for you to confirm. Thanks for subscribing.

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