Beginning Tomorrow February 22, 2021


It is hard to believe it has been almost a year! The international shutdown at the beginning of the pandemic has become a point of reference in a variety of ways, a turning point for many. During the quarantine we began using a Youtube channel to post Bible messages and words of encouragement. I must tell you that while I appreciate the technology at our disposal, I am very grateful to be back preaching to real people assembled together!

However, many of the platforms that God opened for ministry during that unusual season have helped us to connect with people to whom we would not otherwise have ministered. We believe these tools can continue to be used for the advancement of the gospel and the encouragement of God’s people.

The channel will continue to post our daily podcast episodes there, along with occasional brief video resources. Beginning tomorrow we will be posting a full length Bible message on our channel every Tuesday. These messages have been given at meetings in churches across the country and we look forward to sharing them with others.

The first messages that will be posted come from a recent series given on “The Prayers of James” at the Fairfax Baptist Temple. Did you ever notice how much emphasis is given to prayer in the book that is most known for good works? In fact, James teaches us five definite prayers that we can make our own:

  • The Prayer for Wisdom
  • The Prayer for Grace
  • The Prayer of Repentance
  • The Prayer of Faith
  • The Prayer of Persistence

Watch for the first one tomorrow! I hope you will subscribe to the channel, study the Word of God with us, and share the messages with others. Thank you for your prayers and support of this work.

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