Good News In A Bad World March 24, 2023

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Today’s ETJ podcast concludes our study of the first section of Acts. What an encouragement this portion of Scripture has been to my faith! The Adventure Continues…and shortly we will return to our series in this amazing book. Over the next two weeks, leading up to Resurrection Sunday, we are excited to share with you a short study on some of the greatest gospel passages in the Bible.

Good News in a Bad World

Our world is inundated with bad news, but the good news of Christ is greater than all of it combined! The Lord Jesus brings good news both for this life and the world to come. More than ever, we need to know it, meditate on it, revel in it, and share it.

This week I had the privilege to speak to a fine group of young people on how to begin sharing Christ with others. Our text was a little known but powerful verse in Proverbs, one of Solomon’s sentence sermons: “As cold waters to a thirsty soul, So is good news from a far country” (Proverbs 25:25). We have the privilege and opportunity to carry the water of life – to share the good news of salvation! Thirsty souls are waiting.

Join us for this short series beginning Monday, and invite others who need Christ to listen. Let’s pray together that many will hear the gospel and be saved. And, let’s determine to do what we can in these days to deliver the good news to as many people as possible.

For the gospel’s sake,”

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