Crossing Another Mile Marker
July 3, 2024
Crossing Another Mile Marker On a recent trip, we were traveling with several vehicles. Over the course of time and in the midst of traffic we eventually became spaced...
Would You Help Us?
January 25, 2024
It is a great joy to share Bible study tools and Christian life resources for free through our online platforms. Every day we hear from people who are taking the...
Hear the Word Every Day This Year!
January 1, 2024
Most believers are content to hear a sermon on Sunday or listen to a preacher a couple of times each week. God designed it that we would hear from Him...
Finding a New Beginning
December 28, 2023
Someone has rightly observed, "Life is a series of new beginnings." Thankfully for the believer, our God is the God of new beginnings! The Creator who alone could make something...
May 19, 2023
The uttermost...ends of the earth...all the world...every creature...whosoever will. Scripture repeatedly emphasizes the length of our mission and the breadth of God's message. Christ's gospel is not regional, national, or...
Good News In A Bad World
March 24, 2023
Today's ETJ podcast concludes our study of the first section of Acts. What an encouragement this portion of Scripture has been to my faith! The Adventure Continues...and shortly we will...
New Series: GOD CAME.
December 3, 2022
God Came. In many ways, these two words summarize the message of the whole Bible! They encapsulate the love and mercy of our God. We could never come to Him...
Jesus Taught On the Holy Spirit
October 3, 2022
Truth and the Danger of Overcorrection All of us who have driven for any length of time have experienced or witnessed the danger of overcorrecting. A slight distraction, a sudden...
Christ Is Enough.
January 10, 2022
In the face of physical pain, financial hardship, emotional distress, and spiritual conflict there is one truth that always brings faith and courage: Christ is enough. Christ is more than...
NEW SERIES: Why Jesus Came
December 20, 2021
When people speak about Christ coming to earth, the first time they usually talk about HOW He came. But the great emphasis of Scripture is on WHY He came! Today...
Now on ETJ: “All Spiritual Blessings”
November 23, 2021
This week, people across our nation will gather with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. Around tables filled with food, many will pause to say a word of thanks for...
A Month of Hallelujahs!
November 2, 2021
As we begin the month that culminates with Thanksgiving wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if we could make the whole month a month of praise? The great Bible word...
Note to a Friend
October 18, 2021
After all of these years and the multitude of technological ways that we receive communication, there is still something exciting about getting a note in the mail from a friend....
July 21, 2021
It has been a great joy to meet so many people across the country who are listening each day to the broadcast and Enjoying the Journey with us through God’s...
New Podcast Series: A Message We All Need
June 18, 2021
Today we conclude our study of "The Twelve" with a final word to all would-be followers of Jesus. I hope you will listen to this important application for every believer....
The Revelation Series and Our Next Study
May 14, 2021
My heart has been helped studying through the Revelation of Jesus Christ over the last several months. Christians have no reason to dread and every reason to hope! The King...
Revelation: The King Is Coming!
January 15, 2021
What are you expecting to happen next in our world? Every day brings new challenges and changing circumstances. I cannot tell you what the government will do, how the economy...
Enjoying the Journey Now On YouTube
January 7, 2021
Everyone has their favorite media platform to stream content - there are certainly plenty to choose from! Our daily broadcast is heard on a number of radio stations across the...
December 6, 2020
It is always an encouragement to hear from friends who are studying God’s Word with us each day on Enjoying the Journey. I just received a very kind email question...
November 27, 2020
There is no name like the name of our great God! The apostles said of the name of Jesus, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none...
Thankful In Difficult Days
November 23, 2020
Thankful In Difficult Days God’s people are commanded to give thanks at all times and in all circumstances - not when we feel like it. Praise is a choice and...
NEW STUDY: “A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ”
October 24, 2020
There is a great deal of discussion now about peace around the world. At the same time, there is increased strife and fighting in our own country. But the biggest...
Dear Church Member…
August 19, 2020
What if you received a letter from the Founder of the church? In fact, you have it in your hands each time you hold the Word of God! The Lord...
Next Stop: The Numbers Psalms
July 27, 2020
Life is a journey and the fourth section of the Psalms, known as the Numbers Psalms, shows us the goodness and guidance of God along that journey. If we want...
A Pause, Our Podcast, And The Next Psalms
May 7, 2020
Yesterday we concluded the first stage of our journey through the Psalms. The Genesis Psalms, Psalm 1-41, help us to see God as the beginning of all good things. I...
Our Next Step & A New Study
March 7, 2020
This week we concluded our series on The Great Journey's of the Bible. The Lord has been so gracious to allow us to study Scripture with people around the world...
An Update On Our Daily Broadcast
February 19, 2020
It is amazing how sometimes the most far reaching things are the ones we did not plan at all. Several people have asked me recently how our daily Enjoying The...
Podcast Series For Valentine’s Week
February 7, 2020
Our world has some mixed up ideas about love! The devil and the flesh always try to pervert what is perfect. Only the God who is love can teach us...
A Day Of Firsts
January 1, 2020
Today is the first day of a new month, the first day of a new year, and the first day of a new decade. God has allowed us to live...
Christmas Blessings
December 13, 2019
This is my favorite season of the year! I love the time with family and friends. But the older I get the more I realize that the greatest Christmas blessings...
Do You Have A Life Verse?
December 4, 2019
Recently God has used a Bible verse in my life in such a profound way that I have chosen it as my "second half verse." Along the journey there have...
New Podcast Series!
November 8, 2019
Today we conclude our podcast series on "What The Bible Says..." I am more convinced than ever that this is a day where we must know what we believe, why...
Our Next Bible Study Series
September 21, 2019
It is a joy to study God's Word and a privilege to share it with others. More and more people are joining our daily Enjoying The Journey episodes and we...
Recording Day!
September 5, 2019
Several folks have asked me recently how we record the daily Enjoying The Journey episodes. Technology has made life so much simpler in some ways! I am able to record...
Samson: God’s Strength For Man’s Weakness
August 5, 2019
One of the most exciting ways to study Scripture is to get acquainted with the great characters of the Bible. When you begin to identify with the men and women...
A Special Announcement
July 12, 2019
We are very happy to announce that at the end of this month the Fundamental Broadcasting Network will begin to carry our Enjoying The Journey daily broadcast. FBN began in...
Starting Today!
July 8, 2019
Over the last few weeks I have been meeting people everywhere who are "Enjoying The Journey" with us through the Word of God. If you have been listening, thank you!...
The Need Of Our Nation
July 2, 2019
It is easy to fuss at the darkness around us and fail to do the very things that bring true light into our dark world. Political conservatism and true Christianity...
The Next Step On Our Journey
May 16, 2019
A dear man asked me the other day where we were going next in our "Enjoying the Journey" Bible study. It is a pleasure to walk through Scripture together and...
7 Ways To Use The Daily Podcast
January 24, 2019
Podcasts are a wonderful resource for personal, daily growth. Listening to the faithful teaching of God's Word has often been used to instruct and inspire me along the way. My...
I Didn’t Expect This
December 17, 2018
When I first went into evangelism a dear friend serving in a "closed country" asked if I would ever consider having a podcast. I must confess that at the time...
Announcing A Special Christmas Series!
December 1, 2018
Can you believe that it is December? The month ahead will be a busy one for families and church families. We must never allow our schedules to crowd out time...
A Season Of Thanks
November 2, 2018
There are many commands given to God's people. Each of the Lord's commands are given for our good and His glory. This is certainly the case for the command most...
The Next Three Weeks
October 13, 2018
It has been a great blessing to me personally to meet so many people recently who are listening to Enjoying The Journey each day through the podcast or radio broadcast....
Thanks For Listening!
August 30, 2018
Eight months ago we took another step on our own journey with the beginning of the Enjoying The Journey podcast. God has been gracious to give us favor and so many...
“Lord, Teach Us To Pray!”
August 2, 2018
These words from Luke 11:1 are the prayer that opens the understanding to more prayer. How often we go through the motions and mechanics of prayer but fail to truly...
Don’t Miss A Special Broadcast Tomorrow!
June 29, 2018
Today we finish our "Journey Through Scripture" podcast series. So many of you have let us know that you have been making the journey with us and have helped to...
My New Favorite Bible Character
June 27, 2018
Do you have a favorite Bible character? Each one has some message for us. They may serve as a positive example or a negative example. At different times, they may...
Q/A About Our Daily Broadcast
May 22, 2018
Last week we celebrated our 100th "Enjoying the Journey" episode. Yesterday we concluded our journey through the Old Testament. On today's broadcast we are examining what God was up to...
A Poem, A Principle, and A Prayer
March 26, 2018
When I was in college someone gave me a copy of an anonymous poem about the Bible as God's revelation of Himself. Today we begin a new podcast series called...
Special Announcement!
March 17, 2018
I am so very excited about the news I am going to share with you today! At the beginning of this year we began a daily podcast to promote the...
Would You Join Our Daily Bible Study?
February 26, 2018
Today on "Enjoying the Journey" we conclude our study through the book of Philippians. I have heard from people across the country and even outside the U.S. who have joined...
My Favorite Chapter of the Bible
February 6, 2018
Do you have a favorite portion of Scripture? One of my Bible teachers used to say that his favorite passage of Scripture was the one he was studying at the...