These words from Luke 11:1 are the prayer that opens the understanding to more prayer. How often we go through the motions and mechanics of prayer but fail to truly connect with Heaven. The adventure of faith, the thrill of communion with the God of the universe, the privilege of affecting eternity awaits…and we are content to simply recite our religious clichés to God!
“Lord, teach us to pray!”
No, Lord, teach ME to pray! As a preacher I am so deeply convicted that often I have given more attention and interest to what I will say in the pulpit than what I will say in the prayer closet. Believers at every age in life and every stage of maturity can continue to grow in this area. We have so much to learn.
And who better to learn from than the One who is both our example in prayer and our access? The Lord Jesus Christ is the only One whose prayer life should be imitated. By His Spirit and through His Word we are taught the powerful resources available through prayer.
“Lord, teach us to pray!”
Over the next several weeks we are beginning a fresh study of prayer principles and promises found in God’s Word. These daily lessons will be given through our Enjoying The Journey podcast. I hope you will join me in Christ’s classroom. Come ready to learn and live His instruction.
You may subscribe to the episodes through your favorite podcast player on your mobile device or listen to the study each day at enjoyingthejourney.org/broadcast. Invite others to study with us beginning on Monday, August 6. I hope you will make the prayer of the first followers of Jesus your own prayer…
“Lord, teach us to pray!”
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YES! I am tired of the routine and clichés in my prayer life. Looking forward to this study!
I love you, my brother in Christ Jesus.
Thank you friend!
Wonderful! Oh my how I come up short in my praying!
You and me both! God bless you all.