A Season Of Thanks November 2, 2018


There are many commands given to God’s people. Each of the Lord’s commands are given for our good and His glory. This is certainly the case for the command most often repeated in Scripture. More than any other admonition in the Word of God we are commanded to praise the Lord!

Why does God repeat this so frequently?

Praise is purifying. When we begin to praise we come into the presence of the Lord, and His presence purifies every other part of life! Praising Christians are kept happy, holy, and humble.

As we enter the month of November there will be much talk of giving thanks. Thanksgiving must be more than a holiday. This season of thanks should be a time when we develop the discipline of praise for every day of our life.

The Psalms provide a vocabulary for our praise. The final verse of this book of praise and thanks: “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD” (Psalm 150:6). This is our greatest duty and delight!

Over the next four weeks we will be studying more about the power of praise on Enjoying The Journey. Praise is a key to both our worship and our witness. I hope you will join us for these twenty brief Bible studies. These all new episodes begin on Monday, November 5. You may find them at enjoyingthejourney.org/broadcast or on your favorite podcast player.

Let’s pray that God will help all of us to develop thankful hearts and homes. May God bless you and your family at this special time!



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  1. W. L. Graham on November 3, 2018 at 8:31 PM

    Yes, gratitude! …thankfulness! –one of the ‘oils of Christianity’ that allows ‘the machinery of one’s life’ to run more smoothly! And, one of the three signs of being Spirit-filled! (…a thankful heart! Eph.5:20)

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