Hymn History: Count Your Blessings
“Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:” - Psalm...

Where Praise & Thanks Should Begin
When I was a child Christmas was my favorite holiday. As I have grown older, Thanksgiving has moved into that place. I love the time of year, the emphasis, the...

How To Say “Thank You”
Several years ago I had the joy of speaking to a large group of children on the subject of thanksgiving. In preparation I learned how to say thank you in...

Thanksgiving Meditations
Through the years I have written a number of brief articles on the subject of gratitude. From time to time we all must be reminded how good God has been...

Grateful People Are Always In The Minority
All month on Enjoying the Journey we have been studying the life of thankfulness. Around many tables today people will share a list of things for which they are grateful....

My New Favorite Way To Say Thank You
Many years ago I learned how to say thank you in a variety of different languages. I am no linguist. The languages that I have taken have not taken on...

Thursday’s Thought: “FOR THANKSGIVING DAY”
I must be getting more sentimental in my old age. Over the last few years I have developed a great love for poetry. In so many ways it expresses the...

Wednesday’s Thanksgiving Thought: Why I Am Grateful For What I Never Got
Families will gather around tables this week and briefly mention the many blessings for which they are grateful to God. For most of us the emphasis will be on the...

Monday’s Thanksgiving Thought
Gratitude begins vertical and becomes horizontal. As we offer thanks to the Source of every good gift, we are reminded of the many channels that He uses to deliver them....

30 Days of Thanksgiving
Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. used to say, "When gratitude dies on the altar of a man's heart he is well-nigh gone." There is no way to underestimate the power of...

What’s On Your List?
Some time ago my wife challenged each member of our family to share three things for which we were grateful each night as we went to bed. It is easy...

Daily Thanksgiving (Daily Living – Part 3)
I love Thanksgiving. (And, yes, I know this is not November!) For too many of us thanksgiving is a day of the year instead of a way of life. We...

Will You Thank God Tomorrow?
Recently, an ad on the front page of the USA Today read, "WHO are you thankful for?" When most of us list the things for which we are most grateful...

My Thanksgiving List in One Sentence
Early this morning, I woke up with one phrase on my mind. It is repeated often in the Scripture - a familiar refrain. One psalm in particular uses this powerful...