New Series: GOD CAME. December 3, 2022

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God Came. In many ways, these two words summarize the message of the whole Bible! They encapsulate the love and mercy of our God. We could never come to Him – so He came to us. When things are at their worst, God comes.

This is the message of creation. The earth was full of chaos, emptiness, and darkness…then God came (Genesis 1:2-3).

This is the message of the incarnation. The world was full of empty religion, hungry hearts, and political division…then God came (Matthew 1:21-23).

This is the message of salvation. Mankind was lost, hopelessly separated from God, and dead in sin…then God came (Galatians 4:4).

This is the message of revelation. Nations will continue to fight, humanity will sink further into the depravity of sin, and the world will begin to unravel…then God will come (Revelation 21:1-3).

But, God Came is more than historical fact, theological explanation, and prophetical hope. It is deeply personal, because the God who came is a personal God. He is with us now.

This, then, is the message of spiritual formation. The Lord of heaven, the holy God, comes to live within His children and longs to live through them. He is not far off, He is near. He is not future, He is present. He is not impersonal, He is with us. 

Our responsibility is to recognize His presence every day, and acknowledge His presence in every circumstance. The victorious Christian is one who yields to His presence and abides in His presence. “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you” (James 4:8).

Several months ago we studied the presence of God in the life of Joseph. (You may listen to those studies here or order the full length book.) In that series we discovered that the defining truth of his life was simply: “The LORD was with Joseph” (Genesis 39:2, 3, 21, 23).

Over the next several weeks we are going to walk through Scripture and examine this same phrase in the lives of a multitude of people. Old and New Testament. Men and women. Young and old. The presence of God is not for some; it is for all who will walk in faith and obedience.

At this time of year, as we celebrate Emmanuel – God with us – it is my prayer that we will learn the joyful discipline of practicing His presence at all seasons. The Lord is with you! God came.

Gather your family for this special emphasis. Share it with friends. You may listen to Enjoying the Journey each day on your favorite podcast player or join us at Let’s end this year concentrating on the Word of God in a world of need. When things are at their worst, God always comes.

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  1. Raymond Ricard on December 3, 2022 at 9:36 PM

    Thank you dear brother Scott Pauley for the ministry of édification you are doing for us His beloved children.
    Praying for you dear brother Scott.

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