I Didn’t Expect This December 17, 2018


When I first went into evangelism a dear friend serving in a “closed country” asked if I would ever consider having a podcast. I must confess that at the time I barely knew what a podcast was! She explained to me and my wife that most Christian programming and preaching is blocked in that part of the world, but podcasts were available.

A few months later pastor who directs a local Christian radio station asked if I would be willing to take a ten minute daily radio slot. The Lord began to connect opportunities and people as only He can do. There is nothing quite like watching the providence of God at work!

With the help of friends I began to record brief episodes that could be used in either a podcast or radio format. Perhaps a few people would listen and be helped. I don’t know exactly what I thought…but I didn’t expect this.

Since January of 2018 the Enjoying The Journey podcast has been listened to over 160,000 times. Week after week I hear from people around the world who are studying God’s Word with us. Everywhere I travel I meet people who say, “We are enjoying the journey!”

While I am grateful for current technology and the media platform that we are allowed to use, I am very aware that the greatest blessing is divine favor. The Lord has been pleased to take something that I did not plan and multiply it for His own purpose. “For who hath despised the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10)

For all of you who are listening I want to say thank you. For those who have prayed, contributed, or shared it with others, you are a part of getting the truth of God’s Word to people we will never see until we gather together at the judgment seat of Christ. God bless you!

If you have not yet joined us we would love to have you with us on our journey through Scripture. You may find full details on how to subscribe to the podcast, find us on radio, or listen online at enjoyingthejourney.org/broadcast.

A Look Ahead

I am so excited about our second year of broadcasting! This month we continue our study of great Christmas passages. We will then take one week, December 31-January 1, to concentrate on Meditations For A New Year. These simple truths from the God of new beginnings will help you to have a fresh start for 2019.

On Monday, January 7, we will embark on a longer study – Journey With Jesus – as we walk through my favorite gospel record, the Gospel According to Mark. This fast-moving account teaches us that our God is a God of action! I am praying that our brief stops in each chapter will help you to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ as never before.

God bless you as you study His Word and serve Him!

Enjoying the journey,


P.S. Tomorrow we will publish a year-end report from our family and ministry. If you have not yet subscribed to receive our quarterly e-newsletter you may subscribe here.


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