New Podcast Series! November 8, 2019


Today we conclude our podcast series on “What The Bible Says…” I am more convinced than ever that this is a day where we must know what we believe, why we believe it, and how we can share it with others. If you missed any of the episodes you can listen to the entire study here.

On Monday we begin a brand new series from 1 Thessalonians 5. It is one of the most practical sections in all of Scripture for a child of God. On one page we find The Lord’s “To Do” List for us.

We live by lists in so many areas of life: reminders of what is important. The Christian life cannot be reduced to a man made list of things to do and not to do. However, when GOD gives a specific list in Scripture we must take careful note of His priorities. These are divine instructions for how to live in the last days.

I would like to invite you to join us for this brief series and hope you will invite someone else to listen along with you. Take the time to read through 1 Thessalonians 5, and pray that the Lord will make His list a living reality in your life.

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  1. Wes Harris on November 12, 2019 at 1:33 PM

    Hello, Brother Pauley,

    Thank you for the message today on giving thanks to our God for His goodness, mercy, and truth.

    I love listening to you on FBN Radio. I pray FBN Radio will always remain fundamental.

    It is great to be able to give feedback just like when I was an online student at the Crown Seminary where goodness, mercy, and truth were always on display.

    Writing to you was on my “To Do” list.

    Take care.

    Wes Harris
    Acts 5:42

    • Scott Pauley on November 18, 2019 at 2:23 PM

      Sure appreciate you listening! It is great to hear from you my friend. God bless you all.

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