Everyone has their favorite media platform to stream content - there are certainly plenty to choose from! Our daily broadcast is heard on a number of radio stations across the...
5 Books To Help With Your Personal Devotions
June 9, 2020
There is a delicate balance in the daily devotional life: we want to keep both discipline and freshness in our time with God. Very easily routines turn into ruts and...
3 Simple Helps For Bible Study
October 3, 2019
3 Simple Helps For Bible Study It is truly amazing the number of Bible study helps that are now available at our fingertips. The proliferation of tools and the accessibility...
Wise Man Lessons on the Will of God
byScott Pauley / Enjoying the Journey
(Matthew 2:1-12) Are you searching for direction? The wise men knew all about needing guidance. In this familiar story are basic principles for finding God’s way and obeying His will. (08310241226)