'Tis the season for New Year's resolutions. This is the time when many people decide to change or add something to their life for the coming year. The fact is,...
Take The Day Off!
July 10, 2018
Take the day off...Those are beautiful words. (Since you don’t work for me you should probably still show up for work today!) Why is it that we only seem to...
Your Habits: Routine or Rut?
January 24, 2014
Just this week as I walked through an airport bookstore I saw yet another volume on the development of habits. Indeed, every detail of life is full of routine. This...
The Fellowship of Stewardship
byScott Pauley
(2 Corinthians 8:1-9) The Christian life is relational. In Christ, we are connected to believers in a way incomparable to any earthly relationship. How are you stewarding your relationship with your local church? (0920250121)