

How Christians Should Deal with Racial Issues

Recently I was on a flight next to a fine Christian man. When people find out at 30,000 feet that I am a minister they usually have one of two...

5 Ways to Stand Apart In A Cruel World

Do you know what sets people apart in a crowded world? It is not skin color, educational background, ethnicity, language, economic standing, professional title, talent, or even physical appearance. It...

7 Ways to Show Kindness Today

Rush Limbaugh died today. He was one of the most loved and hated men in America, like so many who hold strong positions on anything. As I scrolled through the...

The Gospel Answer to Racial Prejudice

Born in the 1970's, I just missed the civil rights movement of the previous decade. My friends and I read about the injustices and racial tensions in our history books...