
Nicholas von Zinzendorf was an aristocrat God used with other Moravians. Under his influence, the greatest mission thrust in centuries began.

Christians You Should Know: Nicholas von Zinzendorf

Christians You Should Know: Nicholas von Zinzendorf "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death."...
The Lamb is Worthy

A New Song, A Timeless Truth, and Our Eternal God

So much of life is measured in values. Real estate, the stock market, retirement portfolios...everything is discussed in terms of worth. But the greatest "values" are not physical, financial, or...
History: Francis HavergalI wrote "I Gave My Life for Thee" after seeing a depiction of Pilate presenting Christ to an angry mob in a museum.

Hymn History: I Gave My Life for Thee

Hymn History: I Gave My Life for Thee Francis Ridley Havergal was a famous hymn-writer and singer. Raised in a preacher's home, her talent was recognized very early in life....