
Christ is enough, the miracles of Jesus, what is the purpose of of Jesus' miracles, miracles in the Bible

Christ Is Enough.

In the face of physical pain, financial hardship, emotional distress, and spiritual conflict there is one truth that always brings faith and courage: Christ is enough. Christ is more than...

Why the Resurrection Gives Me Hope for Revival

The message of the resurrection is not just to be preached to the lost; it is a truth to be repeated, remembered, and reflected on again and again among believers....

“Just Use My Name.”

In times of need it is wonderful to know someone who has abundant resources. A friend may send you to another with the instructions: "Just use my name." They mean...

The God Of The Thunder

You would have laughed at me. In fact, I laughed at myself. I was sitting on our front porch studying what the Bible has to say about thunder. Suddenly the...