6 Reasons the World Is Getting More Insane…And Why It Will Continue Have you noticed in recent days the tragic loss of logic? Relativism has eaten away at the foundation...
My Favorite Bible Story & Our New Podcast Study
May 8, 2023
Do you have a favorite portion of Scripture? Keith Kiser, one of my early Bible teachers, used to say that his favorite Scripture was whatever portion he was studying at...
Acres of Diamonds
September 26, 2013
When I was thirteen years old an elderly preacher in the mountains of West Virginia gave me a book. It was old and dusty. There were no pictures and at...
The Weekend Pulpit: A Life of Repentance
byScott Pauley
(Mark 1:4, 15) While repentance is necessary for our salvation, it is equally essential for our sanctification. A Christian who fails to regularly confess his sin to the Lord resultantly fails to grow in his walk with Him. Your faith can be measured by your repentance. (0936250208)