Join Us for A Special Couples’ Retreat This January!
December 15, 2022
Each year Tammy and I are privileged to spend time with couples across the country in a variety of retreats and conferences. After 25 years of marriage we are more...
Acres of Diamonds
September 26, 2013
When I was thirteen years old an elderly preacher in the mountains of West Virginia gave me a book. It was old and dusty. There were no pictures and at...
The Weekend Pulpit: A Life of Repetance
byScott Pauley
(Mark 1:4, 15) While repentance is necessary for our salvation, it is equally essential for our sanctification. A Christian who fails to regularly confess his sin to the Lord resultantly fails to grow in his walk with Him. Your faith can be measured by your repentance. (0936250208)