
The Book of Acts is a sequel to the Gospel of Luke. It is the book of Christ continuing His work in this world. Begin your journey through Acts.

Journey Through Acts

Journey Through Acts Overview: Some people have called it, the Fifth Gospel. It is called in our New Testament, the Book of Acts. Most think they are the acts of...
Acts 10-28, Journey Through Acts 10-28


The uttermost...ends of the earth...all the world...every creature...whosoever will. Scripture repeatedly emphasizes the length of our mission and the breadth of God's message. Christ's gospel is not regional, national, or...
2212-23 The Adventure Continues SLIDEv2_16x9

Living in the Age of the Gospel

This past Lord's Day we commemorated the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. True believers celebrate this every Sunday! In fact, we celebrate our living Savior every day because He...
Acts 1-7, Journey Through Acts 1-7

A New Year & New Adventures with Christ

There is no adventure like the adventure of following Jesus Christ! It is the grand adventure of a lifetime and it leads to an even greater adventure in eternity. In...
What is the Great Commission?, the great commission, when was the great commission used? where is the great commission in the Bible?

What is the Great Commission?

What is the Great Commission? All of my life I have heard preachers speak of “the great commission.” The term is a reference to the final command that Christ gave...