
The Voice: Our ETJ Host and A Brand New Podcast Announcement!, Greg Dowdy

The Voice: Our ETJ Host and A Brand New Podcast Announcement!

Pastor Greg Dowdy With some regularity, I am asked about the host on each of our Enjoying the Journey broadcasts. The “voice” that you hear in the intros and outros...
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Learning to Rejoice Again

The only real and lasting joy is found in Jesus. The only way to enjoy the journey is to find the companionship of Christ along the way. What a thrill...
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New Series: GOD CAME.

God Came. In many ways, these two words summarize the message of the whole Bible! They encapsulate the love and mercy of our God. We could never come to Him...

An Update On Our Daily Broadcast

It is amazing how sometimes the most far reaching things are the ones we did not plan at all. Several people have asked me recently how our daily Enjoying The...

I Didn’t Expect This

When I first went into evangelism a dear friend serving in a "closed country" asked if I would ever consider having a podcast. I must confess that at the time...

Thanks For Listening!

Eight months ago we took another step on our own journey with the beginning of the Enjoying The Journey podcast. God has been gracious to give us favor and so many...
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Q/A About Our Daily Broadcast

Last week we celebrated our 100th "Enjoying the Journey" episode. Yesterday we concluded our journey through the Old Testament. On today's broadcast we are examining what God was up to...
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Will You Join Us On the Journey?

Six years ago this month I began writing on our blog. At the time God led me to call it Enjoying the Journey. (You may read more about why I chose...