
The account of the Prodigal Son demonstrates the insanity of sin and this world.

6 Reasons the World Is Getting More Insane

6 Reasons the World Is Getting More Insane…And Why It Will Continue Have you noticed in recent days the tragic loss of logic? Relativism has eaten away at the foundation...

Big Picture Evangelism

In "Christian" America you would imagine that you could walk up to anyone and begin to talk about Jesus Christ and everyone would have some context. Perhaps at one time...

5 Books To Read For Answers

Ours is an age of questions, skeptics, and debate. Paul described the last days well when he wrote, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the...

4 Things We Must Not Do With The Truth

We live in a world of lies because people have rejected the truth. The condition of Isaiah's day is much like our own, "And judgment is turned away backward, and...

“Living My Truth”

The highlight story in a major magazine carried this title: "Living My Truth." It was the story of a transgender airline pilot who proudly boasted that he was now living...

What Can We Do?

The bad news and news of bad people seems to keep piling up. Like many of you I am sickened this week by the blatant rebellion in our country against...

How To Keep the Next Generation

A fellow preacher and personal friend asked me recently how I believed we could do a better job of retaining young people in our churches. It is a problem of...