
Lady Jane Grey 1080x1080

Christians You Should Know: Lady Jane Grey

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." - Proverbs 18:10 A Snapshot of the Life of Lady Jane Grey: Born:...
Booker T. Washington, faith, prayer, believer

Christians You Should Know: Booker T. Washington

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;  Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve...
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Hymn History: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

“...looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at...

God Still Moves Mountains

A few week's ago I asked friends who follow us on social media if they would help me pray for a mountain that needed to be moved. Since that time...

When Life Brings Us to Our Knees

Have you ever been so weak, so weary, so wounded that your legs gave out? You did not even have strength to stand up! Occasionally, I have heard people use...

“Praying Through”

Years ago I used to hear some people refer to “praying through” as a metaphor for praying until you breakthrough to Heaven. I understand what many of these sincere people...

5 Books To Read When You Are Having A Hard Time

Someone once said that everybody is having a hard time with something. The longer I live the more I think they were right. We are sinners living with other sinners...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

For Married Couples: Dealing with Difficult Days

Marriage is fun.  But not all the time.  Newlyweds rarely think of this when they say, "for better or for worse." Every young couple need this understanding and preferably before...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Having Good Days in the Midst of Evil Days

Having Good Days in the Midst of Evil Days One of the great privileges of serving at Crown College through the years was the opportunity to hear so many wonderful...