love of God


How Christians Should Deal with Racial Issues

Recently I was on a flight next to a fine Christian man. When people find out at 30,000 feet that I am a minister they usually have one of two...
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Love Is Not Just for Couples!

There are varying expressions of love - friendship love, marital love, love for enemies - but there is only one Source of love, and that is the God who “is...

How to Conquer Fear

Fear is real and it is paralyzing. A world in flux has produced a world filled with fear. Frequently I hear someone quote 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not...

Living in Love

This morning Tammy and I had the joy of participating in a special couple's brunch and marriage seminar. Like many other holidays, Valentine's Day provides an emphasis that should be...
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“The Greatest Thing In The World” by Henry Drummond

What is the greatest thing in all the world? Henry Drummond was a Scottish evangelist who was mightily used of the Lord. D.L. Moody called him the most Christ-like young...