Love Is Not Just for Couples! February 25, 2022

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There are varying expressions of love – friendship love, marital love, love for enemies – but there is only one Source of love, and that is the God who “is love” (1 John 4:8, 16). Over this month there has been a great deal of emphasis on romantic love. (As a husband I must confess that I like this!) In fact, Tammy and I have had the joy of ministering in several marriage conferences. Yet it is important to realize that love is not just for couples.

I have recently been in a number of meetings with single adults. What a special and sacred time of life. Jesus was single. Paul was single. Much is accomplished for eternity in the single season of life. Singles need a deep understanding of the love of God before they ever enter into marriage. Love is not just for couples!

Even in marriage, romantic love ebbs and flows. The love of God never does – it grows and grows. Only a deepening understanding and application of the love of God brings true stability and lasting joy to our human relationships. Love is not just an invisible emotion or a visible demonstration. It is an experience of the love of God in your heart that begins to work its way out in everyday life. 

I am happy that this month we are able to make available a YouVersion devotional plan on The Love of God. This short study of the classic passage on God’s love, 1 Corinthians 13, will help you to consider how God defines love…and how we can live in it. 

This series is not just for sweethearts because love is not just for couples! If you want to know more about the love of God and the God of love join us for this brief devotional plan. Visit the Bible app and subscribe to this study.

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