Unlike my wife, I do not read music. Though the notes on the page mean little to me, I know a good note or a bad note when I hear...
Selah | Hitting the Pause Button
December 27, 2021
Selah | Hitting the Pause Button There are moments when we all need to hit the pause button. Life races on and, if we are not intentional and careful, we...
A Pause, Our Podcast, And The Next Psalms
May 7, 2020
Yesterday we concluded the first stage of our journey through the Psalms. The Genesis Psalms, Psalm 1-41, help us to see God as the beginning of all good things. I...
The Intention of Prayer
byScott Pauley / Enjoying the Journey
(Habakkuk 3:2-3) What is the great aim of prayer? It is not to get something from God; instead, it is to get to God. Instead of praying to get something from His hand, we should pray to draw nearer to Him (08239241004)