7 Ways Listeners Can Make the Most of a Church Meeting
7 Ways Listeners Can Make the Most of a Church Meeting Last week, I posted an article on 7 Ways Leaders Can Make the Most of a Church Meeting. It...
She Went Out Singing!
The meeting had concluded and I was making my way out of the church facility. As I came out a side door toward the parking lot I found myself behind...
4 Marks of a Good Song Leader
Let me begin by saying that I am no song leader! However, I am in meetings every week with people who lead singing and have learned so many things from...
My Favorite Revival Hymn
Certain songs have become old standards in most revival meetings. The one I hear sung more than any other is the great hymn "Revive Us Again." Just this week a...
Do You Have A Favorite Hymn?
We were in the middle of a service several weeks ago when a fine young man leaned over and asked me, "Do you have a favorite hymn?" I did not...
Reconsidering The Hymnal by Dr. Johnny Pope
Dr. Johnny Pope is the pastor of Christchurch Baptist Fellowship in Houston, Texas. His Spirit-filled preaching has always been a tremendous help to me. It is full of Scriptural substance...
“Music, The Soundtrack Of Our Lives” by Dr. Johnny Pope
Dr. Johnny Pope is the pastor of Christchurch Baptist Fellowship in Houston, Texas. His Spirit-filled preaching has always been a tremendous help to me. It is full of Scriptural substance...
How to Use Hymns and Why You Should
On a recent flight a lady commented to me that she loved the hymns but found it very difficult to find a church now that would sing them. This is...
A Good Resource and A New Song
Several weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking in a pastor's fellowship where Evangelist Byron Foxx was singing. He has been a real encouragement to me through the years...