5 Things to Do When Others Fall
Sin brings heartbreak to lives, families, and churches. All of us grieve over the fall of people we have loved, and even some whom we have followed. Our response to...

“Asaph’s Revival” by Dr. Bob Sanders
Asaph’s Revival The more I read and study Psalm 73, the greater my appreciation for the individual known as Asaph. Even though he is following the leadership of the Spirit of...

A Self-Made Man?
Society is full of people who speak as though they made themselves what they are. Churches are too. It is so easy to think that it was our own effort...

A Christmas Letter from the Writer of Amazing Grace
You will be tempted not to finish reading this post. Could I ask you now to read to the very end? I have just completed a wonderful biography on the...

Handling Criticism
I like to be liked. So do you! There is a great danger in seeking to please men - desiring to gain their compliments and avoid their criticism. "The fear...