Setting the right priorities is so difficult in our way of life. At every minute of the day, there are 100 things screaming for our attention. In today’s message, we see what the Lord Jesus says must be our priority. Matt. 5-7
Setting the right priorities is so difficult in our way of life. At every minute of the day, there are 100 things screaming for our attention. In today’s message, we see what the Lord Jesus says must be our priority. Matt. 5-7
(Mark 1:4, 15) While repentance is necessary for our salvation, it is equally essential for our sanctification. A Christian who fails to regularly confess his sin to the Lord resultantly fails to grow in his walk with Him. Your faith can be measured by your repentance. (0936250208)
I will join you in prayer for a spiritual awakening among God's people and the advancement of the gospel.