Did you know that Mary, in Scripture, teaches us an important lesson about sharing the truth of Christ? Join Scott Pauley in today’s sermon from John 20:11-18, as we continue our study on the Women in the Life of Christ.
Did you know that Mary, in Scripture, teaches us an important lesson about sharing the truth of Christ? Join Scott Pauley in today’s sermon from John 20:11-18, as we continue our study on the Women in the Life of Christ.
(Mark 1:3-4, 12-13) We all have busy days, but nobody has ever been busier than Jesus was! Although He was everlastingly busy during His earthly ministry, Christ was never so much in a hurry that He neglected prayer. Listen to this episode of The Weekend Pulpit. (0942250215)
I will join you in prayer for a spiritual awakening among God's people and the advancement of the gospel.