Study the Gospel According to Matthew

The first Gospel Record serves as a transition from the Old Covenant to the New. Begin your journey through Matthew and learn about our King! Discover the King as never before with this Journey Through Matthew page. 

Overview of Matthew

Journey through Matthew, Written to the Jewish mind, Matthew is the transitional book between the Old and New Testament. Study Matthew and discover the King!

Journey Through Matthew

Overview: Matthew, the first Gospel Record, serves as an appropriate transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. Matthew makes plain that the Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament — He is the King. Listen to An Overview of Matthew:  Journey Through Matthew Have you ever looked…



Study every miracle of Jesus. Plus, Download a free study guide
Study the Parables of Jesus. Plus, download our FREE study guide



Bible Study Resources

The Greatest Method of Bible Study

The Greatest Method of Bible Study “I have been reading the Bible but I don’t know how to study it. Can you help?” We have all been there at some point. Have you ever felt this way? There are many systems and methods. I thank God for many lessons that have helped me deepen my…


Missing Messiah

While preaching recently in the beautiful state of Connecticut I was driven through several old cemeteries. Very old. It was fascinating to see markers going back to the 1600’s!  It may sound strange but I have always enjoyed visiting cemeteries. Reading the epitaphs. Noticing the ages. Imagining the stories. Every memorial is a reminder of…


Seven Tips for Bible Reading

I often hear wonderful messages on the subject of reading the Word of God. The Scriptures are so wonderful! We may grow stale, but the Lord is perennially fresh! We are instructed in 1 Timothy 4:13 to “give attendance to reading.” Reading the Bible is not the end of what we should do with the…


3 Simple Helps For Bible Study

3 Simple Helps For Bible Study It is truly amazing the number of Bible study helps that are now available at our fingertips. The proliferation of tools and the accessibility of technology has changed study forever. As a person who spends a great deal of time on the road I am truly grateful for these…


The Miracles of Christ | Study Guide

The Miracles of Christ | Study Guide In difficult days and facing dire circumstances, it is always good to remind ourselves that God is greater than all! Scripture records over 45 miracles that Christ performed. All of them have a lesson for us. Every miracle is a reminder of who Jesus is and what He…


Why Study the Bible?

Whether  a new believer or a mature Christian, it is absolutely essential that believers keep growing in their knowledge of God. This is only possible if we are day by day growing in our understanding of the Word. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself. We come to know God by knowing His Word (Philippians…


FREE Parables of Jesus Study Guide

Enjoying the Journey strives to provide helpful Bible study and devotional materials to believers seeking to study and apply the Bible. Over the years, we have developed several study guides both individually and to accompany the Enjoying the Journey Broadcasts. Many found our Miracles of Jesus Study Guide to be helpful. We believe this resource…


The Bible is The Word of God

The Bible is The Word of God Few people want to talk about it and even fewer understand it.  Yet, all of life boils down to authority: whose authority will we live under? A spirit of rebellion characterizes the unregenerate world. Even many believers miss the truth that they live life under divine authority. Because modern Christianity…



Scripture records Christ’s Great Commission for us 5 times. Join Scott Pauley for this 3-day study of Christ's final charge.