Why Study the Bible? February 1, 2024

Learn How to Study the Bible, Why read the Bible, Why study the Bible?

Whether  a new believer or a mature Christian, it is absolutely essential that believers keep growing in their knowledge of God. This is only possible if we are day by day growing in our understanding of the Word. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself.

  • We come to know God by knowing His Word (Philippians 4:8-9).
  • We learn to trust God by reading His Word (Romans 10:15; 15:4).
  • We can obey God by obeying His Word (John 14:15).
  • We are used by God as we yield to His Word (Romans 12:1-2).
  • We are led by God as His Spirit guides us through His Word (John 16:13-24).

The Lord Jesus told a group of very religious people to “search the Scriptures” (John 5:39). It is possible to know about the Bible, but not really know the Bible – to know about God, but not really know God! Every true follower of Christ should want to go deeper in Scripture, higher in fellowship, and further in obedience. Is this your desire?

In Acts 17 the Holy Spirit tells us of a group of believers in Berea who “searched the Scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11). This should be the goal of every person who wants to know the truth. Your Bible is a deep mine full of God’s rich revelation. As you study the Bible, you will begin to uncover those riches. God has much more for you…if you are willing to search the Scriptures.

These brand-new sessions were given at a recent Enjoying the Journey Bible Seminar. We hope that God will use them in your life as He did in the lives of those who attended. Each video lecture is available here on our website (and Youtube channel) and has an accompanying notes sheet to help you follow along.

We want to encourage you to watch this brief introduction to the new series. Some pastors and Bible study leaders have already used these in their churches, and we trust God will use them as a tool to help many take the next step in God’s Word. (Click here to use our FREE teacher kit.)

Search the Scriptures: Uncovering the Riches of God’s Word

Session 1: Search the Scriptures: Uncovering the Riches of God’s Word


Session 2: Reading the Bible (click here to view the study sheet for this lesson).


Session 3: Studying the Bible (click here to view the study sheet for this lesson).

Session 4: Studying the Bible (click here to view the study sheet for this lesson).

Session 5: Teaching the Bible (click here to view the study sheet for this lesson).

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