Holy Spirit

The Mountain of the House, also known as the Temple Mount, with the Mount of Olives in the background.
Some of the steps in the foreground date from the Second Temple period, and would have been the steps Jesus ascended. Archeologists have uncovered around 300 baptismal pools along the steps leading up to the Temple. They would be convenient for baptizing 3,000 people!
The Hebrew word ruakh can mean either spirit, wind, or breath. The Breath of God, the Spirit of God, and the Wind of God are all understood to be cognates.
Photo by John Buckner

Where Was the House on Pentecost? 

 “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing...

Meet the Holy Spirit

How well do you know the Holy Spirit? Many live their entire Christian life with the Spirit of God within, and yet fail to understand how He works in and...
The family of God, believers grafted in to the family of God, grafted into the family of God.

Welcome to the Family!

Welcome to the Family of God! Recently I have had the privilege of saying to several new believers: "Welcome to the family!" The joy of seeing others come into the...
Jesus Taught On the Holy Spirit, What Jesus said about the spirit, understanding the Holy Spirit

Jesus Taught On the Holy Spirit

Truth and the Danger of Overcorrection  All of us who have driven for any length of time have experienced or witnessed the danger of overcorrecting. A slight distraction, a sudden...

3 Times to Yield

Our son has just passed his driver's test and is now officially taking our prayer life to new heights! It is hard to believe that all of our children are...

Why the Resurrection Gives Me Hope for Revival

The message of the resurrection is not just to be preached to the lost; it is a truth to be repeated, remembered, and reflected on again and again among believers....

How To Learn To Pray

We are all students when it comes to prayer. Andrew Murray wrote a classic book called With Christ In The School of Prayer. I must confess to you that I...

5 Books To Read About The Holy Spirit

How well do you know the Spirit of God? Though we live in the age of the Spirit, there is so much confusion about Him. Some fall short of really...
how sensitive are you

How Sensitive Are You?

It is ironic that we are living in a world where people are easily offended by others and yet so often hardened to the needs of others around them. Such...
Helps For Bible Study

3 Simple Helps For Bible Study

3 Simple Helps For Bible Study It is truly amazing the number of Bible study helps that are now available at our fingertips. The proliferation of tools and the accessibility...

What I Do When I Don’t Feel Like Praying

People imagine that preachers jump out of bed every day with a strong urge to pray. Nothing could be further from the truth! We all battle flesh and flesh doesn't...

The 3 Most Important Times in A Revival Meeting

We have just come through one of the busiest seasons of the year for revival meetings. In reality, God chooses the season for revival. It cannot be scheduled or planned....
Getting More Out of This Sunday's Sermon, listening to a sermon

Getting More Out of This Sunday’s Sermon

Getting More Out of This Sunday's Sermon Over the last few weeks, I have been in numerous meetings where someone was preaching the Bible. The messages were delivered by different...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Why this Week has been So Special

Today is a day for rest and reflection after a very busy week.  We have just concluded our annual Baptist Friends Conference.  This is always a special time of reunion...